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Cities of Refuge Num.35. Levitical cities Forty-eight cities, Nu.35:6-8 Six cities of refuge, each side of Jordan Josh.20, fulfillment 1. Refugee states.

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Presentation on theme: "Cities of Refuge Num.35. Levitical cities Forty-eight cities, Nu.35:6-8 Six cities of refuge, each side of Jordan Josh.20, fulfillment 1. Refugee states."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cities of Refuge Num.35

2 Levitical cities Forty-eight cities, Nu.35:6-8 Six cities of refuge, each side of Jordan Josh.20, fulfillment 1. Refugee states his case; elders admit him 2. Elders guarantee his safety till trial 3. Even if acquitted, cannot leave city till death of HP 4. Clear distinction between murder and manslaughter

3 I. Refuge

4 Refuge: asylum, haven A state or condition of protection and safety

5 Christ of refuge, Hb.6:18 1. Two immutable things 2. We... fled for refuge: Nu.35:11 3. Hold fast to hope: cf. 4:14 Oath, Ps.110:4Promise, vs.14 Papyri & inscriptions: technical term of appeal to ruler who can help

6 Cities of Refuge and Christ Within easy reach of one in need

7 Ps.46:1; 141:8 Hb.4:16

8 Cities of Refuge and Christ Within easy reach of one in need Good roads led to cities, Dt.19:3 (Is.35:8; Jn.14:6; Hb.10:19-20)

9 Cities of Refuge and Christ Within easy reach of person in need Good roads led to cities, Dt.19:3 Open to all. Hb.2:9; Ac.10:34-35 Open always. Hb.7:23-24 Place where refugees lived. Hb.10:38 Exclusive. 1 K.2. Ac.4:11-12 Must stay w/in borders. Hb.6:18-20. 2 Jn. Freedom comes w. HP death. Hb.7:25 No refuge for some. Nu.35:11-34 No payment / bribes, Nu.35:31-33. Ro.5:15

10 Cities of Refuge and Christ Differences Cities of refuge helped only the innocent, Nu.35:15 Cities of refuge saved from physical death The guilty can come to Jesus for refuge, Hb.5:8-9 Jesus, from spiritual / eternal death, Hb.5:8-9

11 I. Refuge II. Revenger

12 Kinsman revenger Avenger of bloodshed (by killing the murderer of one’s relative, clears away the crime) 1K 16:11 – Holladay Two men fight One hits w. ax History of feuding 1 Weapon 2 Waiting 3 Wish We are guilty; w/o Redeemer, no hope

13 I. Refuge III. Redeemer II. Revenger

14 Kinsman redeemer Make a claim for a person or thing > reclaim him / it, redeem – Holladay 1. Bondage 1. Bondage (Ex.21:4). Hb.2:15 2. Property 2. Property (Lv.25:23-28) 1 1 Kin Hb.2:9, 11-13 2 2 Rich enough Hb.2:10 3 3 Willing Hb.2:14

15 Kinsman redeemer Make a claim for a person or thing > reclaim him / it, redeem – Holladay 1. Bondage 1. Bondage (Ex.21:4). Hb.2:15 2. Property 2. Property (Lv.25:23-28) childless 3. Male relative for childless widow (Boaz). Ru.2:12; 3:12…

16 The scene: Two men chop down trees; ax head flies off, killing one – manslaughter Avenger of blood will track down manslayer, thinking he is murderer He flees to city of refuge Jesus is our Kinsman Redeemer, Rv.5:9 Pays our debt so that we do not lose our inheritance, Mt.18:27 Releases us from bondage of sin, Hb.2:15

17 Redemption & Bondage Slave Market: world Slave Master: satan Slave State: sin Redeemer: Christ Price: Blood 1 Jn.5:19 2 Tim.2:25-26 1 Pt.1:18 1 Pt.1:19

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