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Data Collection Ideas.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Collection Ideas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Collection Ideas

2 Rock Paper Scissors Are boys better at Rock Paper Scissors than girls?
Are you more likely to draw games after playing more than 5 times? Do boys / girls use the same strategy?

3 Gingerbread Man Take a single bite out of your gingerbread man

4 Picture or Text Memory? Are words or pictures easier to memorise?



7 Reaction Times

8 Functional Reach Test The functional reach test is a quick test to see how susceptible you may be to bad falls.

9 How Good Is Your Balance?
Time how long you can stand on one leg with no support. Can girls balance better than boys?

10 How Big Are Your Lungs? Time how long you can hold your breath for.
Is there a gender pattern?

11 Tip Toes Time how long you can stand on tip toes.
Is there a gender pattern?

12 Wall Squats Time how long you can hold a wall squat.
Is there a gender pattern?

13 Paper Toss How many times can you score when throwing a paper ball into a bin 10 times from 10 feet away? Are boys better than girls?

14 Multiple Choice is EASY
How easy are multiple choice tests? For Q1-30, write down a random guess answer A-D Your teacher will give you the ‘correct’ answers 50% is a pass.

15 Holland Code Test Follow the instructions on the test in front of you.

16 Narcissistic Personality Test
Follow the instructions on the test in front of you.

17 Lion Beaver Otter Golden Retriever
Follow the instructions on the test in front of you.

18 Learning Styles Test Follow the instructions on the test in front of you.

19 Which Simpsons Character Are You?
Follow the instructions on the test in front of you.

20 Self-Regulation Test Self-regulation is the ability to develop, implement, and flexibly maintain planned behavior in order to achieve one's goals. Low scores can suggest addictive tendencies and an increased likelihood to act on impulse!

21 How Much Sleep Do You Get?
Estimate how much sleep you have had each night for the last 5 nights. What is the average sleep you are getting per night?

22 Spot the Fake Smile Number 1-20 in your books before taking the test!

23 Answers

24 Faceblind?
Test your face recognition ability!

25 As Time Goes By How good are you at estimating time?
The teacher will set a hidden timer. You must count until the teacher’s timer is finished. Then guess how much time has passed. In pairs, one person counts from ‘Go’ for what they think is a minute. The other actually times it with a watch / phone. How close were you?

26 Sweet Tooth Hypothesis: You get more red sweets in Haribo than any other colour… Count and tally the different sweet colours in your bags

27 How Lucky Are You? How good is your luck?
Guess the suit of a randomly selected card 15 times. Record your results.

28 How Many Triangles Can You See?


30 How Many Squares Can You See?

31 Solution

32 Football Stats Compare any of the stats e.g. home goals, goals away etc, tally in a format of your choosing (eg <5, or 0,1,2,3,4,5 etc)

33 High Scores Download both of these games onto your smart phone. Play 5 rounds and average your score to tally on the board.

34 Game of Pig!

35 The Great Cookie Race Use the sheets and instructions provided to play the Great Cookie Race. Tally your scores.

36 Students on the front rows face the front.
Students on the back row are designated to stare at specific students (without their knowledge). For 30 seconds, the class sits in silence, then the front students say whether or not they think they were being watched. Repeat with front to back of the class. Tally correct and incorrect answers.

37 Useful Data Sites

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