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Aquifex: Most ancient Hyperthermophiles C

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Presentation on theme: "Aquifex: Most ancient Hyperthermophiles C"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aquifex: Most ancient Hyperthermophiles 70 - 110 C
INTRO (supplement) 1 Aquifex: Most ancient Hyperthermophiles C Chemolithotrophic –INORGANICS ONLY

2 Spirochetes: Flexible coils Treponema pallidum Borrelia burgdorferi
INTRO (supplement) 2 Spirochetes: Flexible coils Treponema pallidum Borrelia burgdorferi

3 Green Sulfur: Anoxygenic photosynthesis H2S S0 SO4 --
INTRO (supplement) 3 Green Sulfur: Anoxygenic photosynthesis H2S S SO4 --

4 Chlamydia: Obligate intracellular bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis
INTRO (supplement) 4 Chlamydia: Obligate intracellular bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis

5 Cyanobacteria: Blue green bacteria Oxygenic photosynthesis;
INTRO (supplement) 5 Cyanobacteria: Blue green bacteria Oxygenic photosynthesis; First O2- evolving creatures on earth Atmosphere converted from anoxic to oxic (Synechococcus)

6 INTRO (supplement) 6 Gram positive: Staphylococcus Bacillus

7 Proteobacteria: Gram negative rods and cocci
INTRO (supplement) 7 Proteobacteria: Gram negative rods and cocci Most common in medicine, agriculture, industry Phenotypes diverse e.g., Enteric, Pseudomonas, N2-fixing Azotobacter

8 INTRO (supplement) 8 Aquifex: Most ancient Hyperthermophile Chemolithotrophic Spirochetes: Flexible coils Treponema pallidum Borrelia burgdorferi Green Sulfur: Anoxygenic photosynthesis H2S S SO4 Chlamydia: Obligate intracellular bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis Cyanobacteria: Blue green bacteria Oxygenic photosynthesis; First O2- evolving creatures on earth Atmosphere converted from anoxic to oxic (Synechococcus) Gram positive: Staphylococcus Bacillus Proteobacteria: Gram negative rods and cocci Most common in medicine, agriculture, industry Phenotypes diverse e.g. Enteric Pseudomonas, N2-fixing Azotobacter

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