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Bacteria Characteristics

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1 Bacteria Characteristics

2 Prokaryote = All Bacteria
A living Organism A single celled organism No nucleus No organelles DNA, cell membrane, cell wall, transportation


4 Prokaryote = All Bacteria
Simple in structure Small compared to more advanced cells Variety of shapes and sizes, which are used to classify bacteria

5 Bacteria Classification
All Bacteria is classified in 2 ways Archaebacteria and Eubacteria (Bacteria) Gram-positive and Gram-negative

6 Archaebacteria “ancient” Extreme bacteria
Different cell walls (no peptidoglycan) Peptidoglycan = protein-carbohydrate compound found in cell walls Different lipid types in the cell membrane Different amino acids

7 3 Classifications of Archaebacteria
Methanogens – obtain energy from converting H and CO2 into methane gas O2 is poisonous so live in anaerobic environments Found in swamps, deep fresh water and sewage

8 3 Classifications of Archaebacteria Cont.
Halophiles – live and love salt Live in salt heavy environments that would kill most other living organisms Found in oceans, Dead Sea, Great Salt Lake

9 3 Classifications of Archaebacteria Cont.
Thermoacidophiles – live and love heat and acid Can live in temp. as much as 110 C and pH levels of 2 or less Found in hot springs, deep oceanic vents Are a food source to many other organisms

10 Eubacteria More common and less extreme
Lipid bilayer cell membrane much like ours Similar to Eukaryotic cells Do have peptidoglycan, in a thick or a thin layer

11 3 Shapes of Eubacteria Bacilli - Rod or pill shaped Bacteria E. coli

12 3 Shapes of Eubacteria cont.
Cocci Sphere shaped Bacteria

13 3 Shapes of Eubacteria cont.
Spirilla Spiral shaped Bacteria -Streptococci - Chains of spheres -Staphylococci – Grapelike clusters of spheres


15 Gram-Stain This is a staining procedure that determines if a Bacteria contains peptidoglycan in their cell walls. Gram-negative (pink) shows that Bacteria have little peptidoglycan in their cell walls Gram-positive (violet) shows that Bacteria have peptidoglycan in their cell walls


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