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Physical Features of Egypt and Kush

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1 Herder – A person who tends flocks of sheep, goats, cattle, donkeys, and camels.

2 Physical Features of Egypt and Kush
Why? Positive aspects? Negative aspects? Why is this region called the “gift of the Nile”? Do you think they had to worry about invaders? Why or why not? Read and complete R.N. for Section 7.3 Underline or highlight the five words/phrases in paragraph (minimum of 5 sentences)

3 Physical Features of Canaan
Why? Positive aspects? Negative aspects? Could this area support large-scale farming? Why or why not? How else might people have supported themselves? Read and complete R.N. for Section 7.3 Underline or highlight the five words/phrases in paragraph

4 Geography and the Early Settlement of Egypt, Kush, and Canaan
Ch. 7 Geography and the Early Settlement of Egypt, Kush, and Canaan

5 RN 7: Geography of Egypt & Kush
Settle near Mediterranean Sea – food, transportation, trade, saltwater Nile R. – fish, transportation, trade, fresh water, drink, bathe, vegetation – papyrus (paper, rope, roof, basket) Nile floods, leaves silt (fertile soil), flat (topography) Libyan, Arabian, Nubian Desert – natural barrier Red Sea – saltwater, fish, transportation

6 RN 7 Geography of Canaan Mediterranean to the west transportation…trade Not as fertile as Egypt Climate – dry, topography – hilly, rocky Herders – nomadic Jordan R. – fresh water, drink, food, does not flood like the Nile. Dead Sea – very salty Sea of Galilee – fresh water lake, fish, animals, transportation

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