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Светящиеся бактерии vibrio fischeri. Vibrio fischeri is a gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium found globally in marine environments. V. fischeri has biolumenescent.

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1 Светящиеся бактерии vibrio fischeri

2 Vibrio fischeri is a gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium found globally in marine environments. V. fischeri has biolumenescent properties, and is found predominantly in symbiosis with various marine animals, such as the bobtail squid. It is heterotrophic and moves by means of flagella. Free living V. fischeri survive on decaying organic matter. The bacterium is a key research organism for examination of microbial biolumenescence, quorum sensing, and bacterial-animal symbiosis.

3 vibrio fischeri


5 University of Wisconsin biology and immunology professor



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