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+ Monday, February 17, 2014 Write a sentence that demonstrates that you know the meaning of the word “contrive.” Diagram and label the following: Since.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Monday, February 17, 2014 Write a sentence that demonstrates that you know the meaning of the word “contrive.” Diagram and label the following: Since."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Monday, February 17, 2014 Write a sentence that demonstrates that you know the meaning of the word “contrive.” Diagram and label the following: Since the students did not pass the exam, Mrs. Caple will review the material, and she will offer another exam in a week. Word of the Week To analyze and evaluate the first body paragraph. Practice Prior SkillsLearning Goals

2 + Word of the Week imperative (adj) - absolutely necessary or required. It It is imperative that you practice prior skills every day to make an "A" on the test.

3 + Access Prior Knowledge What is the purpose of each body paragraph in an essay? What is the organization of a body paragraph? Purpose and Organization of a Body Paragraph

4 + Assignment – Part 1 – 15 minutes Read your classmate’s Introductory paragraph and 1 st body paragraph and analyze the 1 st body paragraph for the following: Does the topic sentence state a point brought out in the thesis statement? Does it use an action verb? Do the following sentences support the topic sentence? What type of details did they use (facts, evidence, statistics, or direct quotes)? Did they use appropriate transition words? List the transition words. Are sentences properly formatted in MLA format? Does the paragraph make sense? Is it easy to understand? List specific suggestions for improvement and specific items of accomplishment. Analyze and evaluate your classmate’s paragraph. Today, the 1 st & 3 rd rows will exchange paragraph with the person directly behind them.

5 + Assignment Part 2 Make suggested changes for improvement. Read introduction and 1 st body paragraph again to ensure that it makes sense, it engages the reader, and it flows for easy understanding. Evaluation of 1 st Body Paragraph – If you finish early then quietly read book for book talk.

6 + Closing What item to you need to change for improvement? What did you do well in your body paragraph? What was the most valuable thing that you learned from this exercise today? What did you learn today?

7 + Tuesday, February 18, 2014 Rewrite the following sentences without “there are:” The are three important characters in this story. There are some shorts stories that have truly become classics. To write the 2 nd body paragraph. Practice Prior SkillsLearning Goals

8 + Access Prior Knowledge What is the purpose of the body paragraph? Why are transition words important? Informative Writing and Body Paragraphs

9 + Body Paragraph Model: Thesis Statement – then 2nd Body Paragraph. What is the topic sentence? What transition words are used? Similarly, the ocean of outer space exudes dangers, and it presents several unique challenges for explorers. The presence of meteors and micro- meteors present another obstacle in space; these pieces of rock and metal are left over from the formation of the solar system. Many of these objects travel at a flashing speed. The Earth's blanket of air, usually protects people from meteor impacts. However, in space, people and spaceships are vulnerable to collisions with meteors. The chance of meteor impacts is relatively small, nonetheless, it could cause serious damage. What is used in the paragraph to support the topic sentence: factual data, statistics, quotes, ideas, or evidence?

10 + Assignment 1 st Sentence - The topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph. 2 nd – 4 th Sentences - The supporting detail sentences should state facts, evidence, ideas, or quotes that back up the topic sentence. Be sure to use a few transition words to help the reader understand how all of the sentences are connected. Write the second body paragraph for your essay.

11 + Closing How did you know what type of information to include in your second body paragraph (paragraph 3)? Was it easier to write the second body paragraph? Why or Why not? What was the most important thing that have learned that you will remember to do when you write your 3 rd body paragraph? What did you learn?

12 + Wednesday, February 19, 2014 Fill in the blank with the correct words of the week. The students showered the winner with ____________. We must ______________ a way to finish first. It is important to be _______________ about studying for finals. It is _____________ of you to think you do not have to do your homework. Book must be finished by Friday, February 21, 2014. Book Talks are to be presented Friday, February 28, 2014. To analyze the 2 nd body paragraph. Prior SkillsLearning Goals

13 + Access Prior Knowledge What is the purpose of each body paragraph in an essay? What is the organization of a body paragraph? Purpose and Organization of a Body Paragraph

14 + Assignment – Part 1 – 15 minutes Read your Introductory paragraph and 1 st and 2nd body paragraph and analyze the 1 st body paragraph for the following: Does the topic sentence state a point brought out in the thesis statement? Are sentences cited in correct MLA format? Does it use an action verb? Do the following sentences support the topic sentence? What type of details did they use (facts, evidence, statistics, or direct quotes)? Did they use appropriate transition words? List the transition words. Does the paragraph make sense? Is it easy to understand? List specific suggestions for improvement and specific items of accomplishment. Analyze and evaluate your own paragraph.

15 + Assignment Part 2 Make changes for improvement. Read introduction and 1 st body paragraph again to ensure that it makes sense, it engages the reader, and it flows for easy understanding. Evaluation of 2nd st Body Paragraph – If you finish early then quietly read book for book talk.

16 + Closing What item to you need to change for improvement? What did you do well in your body paragraph? What was the most valuable thing that you learned from this exercise today? What did you learn today?

17 + Thursday, February 20, 2014 Diagram and label the following: When I arrive home from school, I will swim. As long as it remains sunny, I will wear sunblock. Book Talk Presentation due next Friday (No Notes – Must be memorized). To write the third body paragraph. Practice Prior SkillsLearning Goals

18 + Access Prior Knowledge What is the purpose of the body paragraph? Why are transition words important? Informative Writing and Body Paragraphs

19 + Body Paragraph Model: Thesis Statement – then 2nd Body Paragraph. What is the topic sentence? What transition words are used? Similarly, the ocean of outer space exudes dangers, and it presents several unique challenges for explorers. Additionally, a third special challenge involved with the environment of space involves the fact that it is quite difficult to find life-sustaining water off the Earth. For example, Mercury, the planet closest to the Sun, is too hot to have water, hence space travelers must take water from Earth if they want to visit Mercury. A similar situation exists on the planet Venus, second from the Sun. This planet is likewise too hot for water to exist. Similarly, the fourth planet, Mars, feels cold and dry as well; therefore, some water may freeze at the north and south poles of the planet. What is used in the paragraph to support the topic sentence: factual data, statistics, quotes, ideas, or evidence?

20 + Assignment 1 st Sentence - The topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph. 2 nd – 4 th Sentences - The supporting detail sentences should state facts, evidence, ideas, or quotes that back up the topic sentence. Be sure to use a few transition words to help the reader understand how all of the sentences are connected. Write the third body paragraph for your essay.

21 + Closing How did you know what type of information to include in your third body paragraph (paragraph 4)? Was it easier to write the third body paragraph? Why or Why not? What was the most important thing that have learned that you will remember to do when you write your 4 th paragraph? What did you learn?

22 + Friday, February 21, 2014 Why did you select your book? What is a brief overview of your book? How did you relate to the book? What was an exciting part? Book Talk Presentation due next Friday (No Notes – Must be memorized). Review Book Talk Rubric To write book talk Practice Prior SkillsLearning Goals

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