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Computer Music Technology. Course 1 st Year ICM & Programming 2 nd Year A. Music Programming & A. Programming 3 rd Year Generative Music (& Project ?)

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Music Technology. Course 1 st Year ICM & Programming 2 nd Year A. Music Programming & A. Programming 3 rd Year Generative Music (& Project ?)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Music Technology

2 Course 1 st Year ICM & Programming 2 nd Year A. Music Programming & A. Programming 3 rd Year Generative Music (& Project ?)

3 It’s a Technical Course! How the software makes sound How musicians use software Programming will show how software is made in general Emphasis is on you to connect these

4 Aims To prepare students for possible jobs: In the music industry In the software industry Anything in between

5 This Year Introduction to Computer Music 3 hrs per week (plus) Programming 4 hrs per week (plus)

6 Intro to Computer Music How to use a sequencer/plug-ins Understand acoustics/digital audio/music theory Composition How musicians will use software

7 Intro to Computer Music Technical stuff: necessary for creating music s/w useful/essential to producers

8 Work Scheme Includes: Use of sequencer/sampler/synth/effects/audio processing MIDI/acoustics/sounds signals/digital audio Music theory basics: scales/time signatures Analysis of tracks: structure

9 Assessment 70% Portfolio 30% Multiple Choice Exam

10 Portfolio Do 3 pieces of music (40%) Each showing different technical abilities Group work/individual work Hand in at least 2 pieces 2 practical assignments (10%) 1 written assignment (20%)

11 Emphasis On You! Lots of work (making music) outside of lab sessions! New area! Lots to be explored! Logic is a good sequencer doesn’t crash much full control via MIDI

12 Minimal Equipment No studio No monitors Get headphones (and converters) MIDI keyboards, mics, a few toys

13 First Two Lab Sessions Logic training All going to make the same piece of music In order to demonstrate: how to work with the s/w how to organise projects various techniques/tools

14 What? Name. What music you are into.? Do you use a sequencer? Have you done any music training? Do you play an instrument? DJ? Etc. Do you do stuff live? Play in a orchestra?

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