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The Application of UDL in ELA Lesson Design Day 2 Session 3.

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Presentation on theme: "The Application of UDL in ELA Lesson Design Day 2 Session 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Application of UDL in ELA Lesson Design Day 2 Session 3

2 Outcomes Revisit importance of UDL in the R/ELA classroom Explore UDL resources Review UDL principles Apply UDL principles to ‘basket’ lesson created on Day 1 Session 3 11/26/2015MSDE1a

3 11/26/2015MSDE3

4 http://www.udl-

5 http://www.udl-

6 UDL: ‘there is an App for that’ 11/26/2015MSDE6

7 UDL Review: Jeopardy

8 Answer: 1. Provide Options for Perception

9 Question: What is an example of Principle I. Provide Multiple Means of Representation?

10 Answer: 4. Provide Options for Physical Action

11 Question: What is an example of Principle II. Provide Multiple Means of Action and Expression?

12 Answer: 7. Provide Options for Recruiting Interest

13 Question: What is an example of Principle III. Provide Multiple Means of Engagement?

14 Answer: 3. Provide Options for Comprehension

15 Question: What is an example of Principle I. Provide Multiple Means of Representation?

16 Answer: 8. Provide Options for Sustaining Effort and persistence

17 Question: What is an example of Principle III. Provide Multiple Means of Engagement?

18 Answer: 6. Provide Options for Executive Function

19 Question: What is an example of Principle II. Provide Multiple Means of Action and Expression?

20 Answer: 9. Provide Options for Self-Regulation

21 Question: What is an example of Principle III. Provide Multiple Means of Engagement?

22 Answer: Answer: 2. Provide Options for Language, Mathematical Expression, & Symbols

23 Question: What is an example of Principle I. Provide Multiple Means of Representation?

24 Answer: 5. Provide Options for Expressive Skills and Fluency

25 Question: What is an example of Principle II. Provide Multiple Means of Action and Expression?

26 Remember: Shifts in CCSS  Emphasis on informational text  Complex Text  Close Reading  Respond to text-dependent questions with oral and written responses  Vocabulary/Academic Vocabulary  Focus on rich content knowledge

27 How can UDL support these shifts?

28 Reflect on the ‘basket’ lesson from Day 1 Session 3: How were UDL principles incorporated? What UDL principles could be added? 11/26/2015MSDE28

29 When you go to the CMS to look at the lesson models reflect on: How did the authors incorporate UDL principles? What other UDL principles could be incorporated? 11/26/2015MSDE29

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