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Drawing attention to a social vice or problem using humor, either comical or dark, using a variety of literary devices.

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Presentation on theme: "Drawing attention to a social vice or problem using humor, either comical or dark, using a variety of literary devices."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drawing attention to a social vice or problem using humor, either comical or dark, using a variety of literary devices.

2  1. Horatian: playful and amusing seeks to correct vice with gentle laughter.  Examples: Simpsons, SNL, The Daily Show  2. Juvenalian : dark, depressing comedic elements attacks vice with scorn and outrage.  Examples: Modest Proposal, Lord of the Flies

3  Parody  Making fun of someone or something by imitating them and mocking them.  Saturday Night Live and politicians  Weird Al  Original Song: Beat It  watch?feature=endscreen &v=oRdxUFDoQe0&NR=1 &safety_mode=true&persi st_safety_mode=1&safe=a ctive watch?feature=endscreen &v=oRdxUFDoQe0&NR=1 &safety_mode=true&persi st_safety_mode=1&safe=a ctive  Eat it: Parody of Beat It  watch?v=ZcJjMnHoIBI&saf ety_mode=true&persist_sa fety_mode=1&safe=active watch?v=ZcJjMnHoIBI&saf ety_mode=true&persist_sa fety_mode=1&safe=active

4  Hyperbole: over exaggeration of something.  Taking something and really blowing it out of proportion for attention.  They add a mental picture to writing. And can also be metaphors or similes.  “These books weigh a ton.”  “You could have knocked me over with a feather.”  “That new car costs a bazillion dollars.”

5  Juxtaposition: arrangement of two or more ideas, characters, actions, settings, phrases, or words side-by-side for the purpose of comparison, contrast, rhetorical effect, suspense, or character development.

6  Irony is the most commonly used form of satire.  Students use it every day in a variety of ways.  Can be found in many memes.  Definition: contrast between expectation and reality. A twist in what you think will happen.

7  Sarcasm: verbal irony.  Example: “I see you’re not hungry today.” said to someone with a massive plate of food.  “Welcome to the world zombie.” said to someone who sleeps a lot.  Family guy example:  watch?v=UBztjzDr0fM&saf ety_mode=true&persist_sa fety_mode=1&safe=active watch?v=UBztjzDr0fM&saf ety_mode=true&persist_sa fety_mode=1&safe=active  Big Bang:  watch?v=- qzeflmJvEU&safety_mode= true&persist_safety_mode =1&safe=active watch?v=- qzeflmJvEU&safety_mode= true&persist_safety_mode =1&safe=active

8  Overstatement:  Hyperbole or exaggeration

9  Understatement: saying less than what one means  Plate piled with food: this seems a good bite--less than truth

10  Dramatic Irony: occurs when the reader or viewer knows something the characters do not.  Most often found in sitcoms; misunderstandings. The comedy comes from you knowing what’s going to happen and seeing the character’s reaction to the situation.

11  Situational: the reader and the characters don’t know what’s coming.  It’s a big twist for everyone.  M. Night Shyamalan movies are good examples.

12  act naturally  alone together  liquid gas  deafening silence  seriously funny  living dead  jumbo shrimp  Advanced BASIC  virtual reality  Oxymorons: two contradictory words combined to form a new one.

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