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Greater Merseyside Learning Partnership Network Meeting 11 January 2005 Kirsty Evans, Director of Strategy and Finance.

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2 Greater Merseyside Learning Partnership Network Meeting 11 January 2005 Kirsty Evans, Director of Strategy and Finance

3 Business Planning Cycle National Statement of Priorities Regional Statement of Priorities LSCGM Statement of Priorities Purpose

4 Brings together: –Planning, Funding, Review Into one single process with the aim of ensuring better alignment between priorities and provision delivered A key component of the Business Planning Cycle is the development of Statement of Priorities at: -National (December 2004) -Regional (December 2004) -Local level (January 2005) New Business Planning Cycle

5 Building upon LSC Grant Letter from Secretary of State Sets out LSC assessment of ‘what must be done’ Move towards delivering world class learning and skills needed for economy Demand limitless but resources finite National statement available from – National Statement of Priorities

6 Six priorities: –Demand led learning –Access to high quality learning opportunities 14-19 –Transform FE to attract more business investment –Strengthen the role of the LSC in economic development –Strengthen the capacity of the LSC to work effectively at regional level –Improve the skills of workers delivering public services National Statement of Priorities (cont.)

7 Published December 2004 Influential in shaping activities and investment for NW LSCs, NWDA and JobCentre Plus Targeted deployment of time and resources Deliver uplift in performance of regional economy Regional statement currently available from – Regional Statement of Priorities

8 Ten key priorities –Tackling low skills and basic skills gaps to improve employability –Providing entry routes for job seekers and the economically inactive to target employment areas –Addressing the demographic challenge –Ensuring the skills and employability needs of disadvantaged groups are addressed –Providing the skills to meet sectoral challenges Regional Statement of Priorities (cont.)

9 Ten key priorities –Tackling cross-sectoral leadership and management skills –Developing enterprise skills –Supporting and ensuring access to key employment growth hotspots Underpinning priorities –Providing high quality, responsive support to meet the needs of both employers and individuals –Stimulating the demand for further investment in skills Regional Statement of Priorities (cont.)

10 Published 12 January 2005 Available in summary and full document format Downloadable from: – LSCGM Statement of Priorities

11 Provides local context and focus to national and regional priorities 3 key areas –Preparing the future workforce: 14-19 –Developing the current workforce –Preparing the future workforce: Adults LSCGM Statement of Priorities (cont.)

12 Developing the future workforce: 14-19 Key Priorities 2005/06: –Implementation of StAR 16-19 outcomes –Expanding vocational opportunities across the 14-19 phase –Narrow participation and achievement gap between districts and wards –Improve provider success rates to ensure young people achieve –Increase participation at 17 LSCGM Statement of Priorities (cont.)

13 Developing the current workforce Key Priorities 2005/06: –Address sector skills priorities: –Via Sector Skills Agreements –Expansion of Centre of Vocational Excellence network –Focus on The Mersey Partnership’s 10 key sectors –Emphasis on improving and enriching provision in - Health and Social Care, Public Sector including Education, Construction, Hospitality and Tourism, Retail –Drive up employer engagement and investment in skills development –Ensure skills are integral to wider business development LSCGM Statement of Priorities (cont.)

14 Developing the future workforce: Adults Key Priorities 2005/06: –Joint planning with partners to remove barriers to employability –Increasing basic skills delivery leading to target qualifications –Increase first Level 2 participation: –Deliver targeted IAG services –Plan additional volumes –Creation of adult pathways back into learning (first step) LSCGM Statement of Priorities (cont.)

15 Statement of Priorities helps to inform local funding and operational decision-making for 2005/06 and beyond Will provide basis for LSCGM Annual Plan 2005/06 Although LSC has strategic remit to lead on the skills agenda its aims cannot be achieved in isolation Need for strong sub-regional partnerships to drive changes required to increase economic prosperity and build a strong foundation of skills Next Steps

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