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1 Move Update November 2008. 2 Move Update Nov. 23, 2008  Move Update is required for mailpieces claiming Presorted or Automation prices for First-Class®

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1 1 Move Update November 2008

2 2 Move Update Nov. 23, 2008  Move Update is required for mailpieces claiming Presorted or Automation prices for First-Class® Mail  Move Update is required for all mailpieces claiming Standard Mail® prices (Letters, Flats, Parcels and Not Flat-Machinables)  To meet the Move Update standard, mailers must be using addresses on mailpieces that have been updated using an approved method within 95 days prior to the mailing date  First-Class Mail or Standard Mail mailpieces that use an exceptional or an alternative address format are not required to meet the Move Update standard

3 3 Alternative Address Formats Alternative Address Formats – DMM 602:  Simplified Address = “Postal Customer”  Occupant Address = “Occupant”  Exceptional Address = ► “Jane Doe or Current Resident” or ► “Jane Doe or Current Occupant”

4 4 Move Update Verification  Signature on the Postage Statement by either the Mail Owner or Agent certifies compliance  Postage Statements revised to indicate Move Update method  Mailers must record Move Update method  USPS can request substantiation of Move Update compliance  Move Update reports will be furnished in sites with MERLIN and Performance Based Verification (PBV) activated

5 5 Postage Statement Move Update Method Checkbox

6 6 Substantiation  Ancillary Service Endorsement ► Copies of mailpieces with endorsement ► Copies of address notices received ► Demonstrate how address updates are used to update addresses  Address Change Service/OneCode ACS ► Billing reports or invoices ► Copies of mailpieces ► Demonstrate how address updates are used to update addresses  FASTforward ► MLOCR confirms FASTforward is turned on ► FASTforward identifier on mailpiece ► Demonstrate how address updates are used to update addresses ► PS Form 6014, Certification of Move Update Compliance

7 7 Substantiation (continue)  NCOA Link ® ► Processing Summary Report ► Mailer System Output Reports ► Billing Reports or Invoices ► Demonstrate how address updates are used to update addresses  Alternative Method ► Letter of approval from NCSC  Directly Acquired Addresses ► Records to demonstrate how addresses were acquired

8 8 Electronic data file Contains name, address and barcode (if available) Sample extracted from the mailing is processed on MERLIN Mailpiece ID can be used to identify any piece found as an Error. Move Update Verification Process BME clerk selects sample mailpieces for MERLIN verification The NCSC performs a DPV & Move Update validation Move Update Verification results are displayed in PostalOne! Results forwarded to PostalOne! Mailpieces are run on MERLIN, data file sent to NCSC

9 9 MERLIN Mailpiece Identification Number (MPID) 156 136 Mailpiece ID >

10 10 Move Update Feedback Reports Today Mailing’s MoveUpdate Address Validation Report

11 11 Move Update Worksheet Near Future

12 12 Move Update Verification Update  As occurs today, if First-Class mailers are unable to confirm Move Update method, mailing is not eligible for First-Class mail discount prices  Data Evaluation and Thresholds  Business Mail Acceptance being trained  Reports shared for First-Class and Standard Mail during transition period  Assessments based upon thresholds after transition period

13 13 Move Update Feedback Appendix

14 14 Move Update Methods  There are 6 ways a mailer can perform a Move Update.  4 of these methods are pre-approved, and 2 of these methods require separate approval.

15 15 4 Pre-Approved Methods:  Ancillary Service Endorsements  ACS® or OneCode ACS®  NCOA Link ®  FASTforward® Multiline Optical Character Reader 2 Methods Requiring Separate Approval:  Legal Restraint Method  99 Percent Accuracy Method Move Update Methods

16 16 Move Update Methods Ancillary Service Endorsements

17 17 JOHN DOE 10 ELM AVE ANYTOWN OR 97654-3218 ► On-piece mailing instructions ► Same handling for all classes of mail ► Very different fees applicable for First-Class and Standard! Return Address Change Endorsements keywords Endorsement Service Requested Ancillary Service Endorsements Followed by…

18 18 Ancillary Service Endorsements Return Service Requested  The Postal Service will return non-deliverable mailpieces with the new address information, or the reason for non-delivery.  No forwarding service is provided.

19 19 Ancillary Service Endorsements Address Service Requested Service provided varies by time period:  Months 1 – 12: the mailpiece is forwarded at no charge; the mailer is provided a separate hardcopy notice of the new address for a fee  Months 13 – 18: the mailpiece is returned with the new address attached  After month 18 or if undeliverable at any time: the mailpiece is returned with reason for nondelivery

20 20 Ancillary Service Endorsements Change Service Requested  Separate notice of a new address or reason for nondelivery is provided; in either case, a fee is charged.  Mailpiece is not forwarded or returned, but disposed of by the Postal Service.  For First-Class Mail this endorsement is available only when used in conjunction with ACS or OneCode ACS.

21 21 Ancillary Service Endorsements  For an address to meet the Move Update requirement, the mailer must send at least one letter or card to an address with an approved ancillary endorsement within 95 days before reuse of the address.  To complete the Move Update process, the mailer must make the address change received as a result of the use of approved ancillary endorsement.  It is recommended that the mailer retain address correction records for up to two years.

22 22 Move Update Methods ACS ® and OneCode ACS ®

23 23 ACS ® and OneCode ACS ®  An electronic enhancement to traditional, manual methods of providing change-of-address information to mailers.  Mailers add a unique mailer identification code to the address area of their mailpieces to identify them as ACS participants.  The Postal Service uses the mailer identification code to send change-of-address information electronically to the mailer.  Mailers can choose to receive electronic notifications daily, weekly, biweekly, or monthly.  Available for all classes of mail.

24 24 Tanya Hyde-Goode Inc 123 Main St Memphis TN 38101-1234 Change Service Requested DEW 456 ELM ST CANDICE WAITE MEMPHIS TN 38188-0001 STE 201 #BXBJDCK ************* 5-Digit 38188 #WAIC 381 SEP 2009# Mailer Participant Code > Optional Keyline > PROCRASTINATORS ANNOYMOUS LLC < Ancillary Service Endorsement (ACS ® ) Address Change Service PRSRT STD AUTO US POSTAGE PAID NEW YORK, NY PERMIT NO. 1

25 25 1 Kay Shira Weather Forecasting Limited 123 Main St Memphis TN 38101-1234 Electronic Service Requested 6060 PRIMACY PKWY STE 201 LES ISMORE MEMPHIS TN 38188-0001 OneCode ACS ® DEPRECIATION CONSULTANTS The mailer must print ancillary service endorsement on Standard Mail® < On-Piece Endorsement PRSRT STD AUTO US POSTAGE PAID NEW YORK, NY PERMIT NO. 1

26 26 Move Update Methods NCOA Link ®

27 27  NCOA Link is an address correction service provided to mailers through companies licensed by the Postal Service.  Computer software purchased, leased, or developed by the licensee is used to access the NCOA Link database. NCOA Link

28 28 NCOA Link  Updated change-of-address information for the entire country is provided on a regular basis to the licensee by the Postal Service through the NCOA Link database.  The licensees match mailing lists submitted to them by mailers on tape or disk against the information contained in the NCOA Link database.  If a match is made, NCOA Link can correct the address before it is printed.

29 29 NCOA Link The NCOA Link process improves mail deliverability by providing mailers with current, standard, delivery point coded addresses for individual, family, and business moves.

30 30 Move Update Methods FASTforward ® Multiline Optical Character Reader (MLOCR)

31 31 FASTforward ® MLOCR The FASTforward system consists of a Postal Service-owned, and user-licensed, computer system containing FASTforward name and address-matching software, and the Postal Service’s change-of-address database.

32 32 FASTforward ® MLOCR FASTforward hardware and software are interfaced with commercial MLOCR equipment. As automation- compatible mailpieces run through the MLOCR, the names and addresses are checked against the COA information contained in the FASTforward system, and if a COA is applicable, the correct address and barcode are sprayed on the mailpiece. Using FASTforward MLOCR allows mailers to avoid delays associated with traditional mail forwarding.

33 33 Move Update Methods Legal Restraint Method

34 34 Legal Restraint Method Mailers who claim they are restricted from incorporating Postal Service COA information into their mailing lists without permission from the addressees may request approval from the Postal Service’s National Customer Support Center.

35 35 Legal Restraint Method Unless the mailer is a federal, state, or local government entity, the request must be accompanied by citation of the specific legal restriction, including copies of the statutes or regulations Federal, state or local government entities must still make a request, but will receive a letter of approval without having to submit a citation.

36 36 Legal Restraint Method Mailers approved to use the Legal Restraint Method must have a process in place to:  Identify customer change-of-address using approved Move Update programs within 95 days of mailing  Contact customer within 30 days to request address correction from customer  Make changes to address information within 30 days of receiving change from customer  Keep documentation of above steps for 2 years

37 37 Move Update Methods 99 Percent Accuracy Method

38 38 99% Accuracy Method Mailers who believe their mailing lists are already accurate because their customers diligently notify them of address changes may meet their Move Update requirements by:  Getting approval from the National Customer Support Center and following a 4 step validation process.

39 39 99% Accuracy Method To determine if the mailer has current address information for their customer, the Postal Service evaluates the address list for accuracy. If less than 1% of the customer addresses in the address list have a change-of-address detected, the mailer is given written approval to use the 99% Method to satisfy the Move Update requirement for the address list tested. The Postal Service will periodically review the mailing list to determine if it is being kept up-to-date.

40 40 Customer Support 1-800-238-3150 Updating Address Lists Is a Smart MoveUpdating Address Lists Is a Smart Move Move Update Resource Information

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