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Improvement of safety requirements for agricultural tractors XX. World Congress on Safety and Health at work 2014 Frankfurt 25th August 2014 Dipl. -Ing.

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Presentation on theme: "Improvement of safety requirements for agricultural tractors XX. World Congress on Safety and Health at work 2014 Frankfurt 25th August 2014 Dipl. -Ing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improvement of safety requirements for agricultural tractors XX. World Congress on Safety and Health at work 2014 Frankfurt 25th August 2014 Dipl. -Ing. (FH) Sebastian DittmarSocial Insurance for Agriculture, Forestry and Horticulture SVLFG - Prevention -

2 SVLFG 26.11.2015 2 The versatility of tractors TransportSpraying Construction Small Tractors

3 SVLFG 26.11.2015 3 Statistic overview

4 SVLFG 26.11.2015 4 Statistic overview

5 SVLFG 26.11.2015 5 Statistic Overview Distribution of tractor accidents in 2013 to the most common time of the accident exerted by the work categories

6 SVLFG 26.11.2015 6 Accident hotspots Roll overEntering and getting off Driving on Public roads Lifting goods

7 SVLFG 26.11.2015 7 workfields  Common information platforms  Common support in international standardizations committees  Common service support WGAT EU Type approvel Industry OECD Codes Code 4 National roads requirements National safety requirements Standardisation ISO 26322, EN 15695

8 SVLFG 26.11.2015 8 Common strategy of agricultural stakeholders The responsible persons for safety at work in agriculture need to put more emphasis into the following work fields: 1.Tractors with CVT 2.Tractors applying PPP 3.Tractors for transport duties 4.Connection Tractor and trailed equipment

9 SVLFG 26.11.2015 9 1. Tractors with CVT  Driving with CVT Tractor and Trailer  Deceleration by Joystick/Pedal  leads to a “jackknife” situation  The tractor can be pushed to one side Source: created by CLEPA member Knorr-Bremse Jackknife effectJoystick mode Pedal mode

10 SVLFG 26.11.2015 10 2. Tractors applying Plant Protection Products EN 15695 Agricultural tractors and self- propelled sprayers – Protection of the operator (driver) against hazardous substances  The standard was published in 2009  Many technical issues have been fixed  Partly cabins are available  The official acknowledgment of a cabin as part of user protection is pending  The protection of the operator against PPP needs to be improved  In 2015 expected revision of EN 15695  Support needed

11 SVLFG 26.11.2015 11 3.Tractors for transport duties  Maximum speed more than 60 km/h Improvement of braking requirements –Including stability systems:  ABS  ESP Improvement of steering requirements

12 SVLFG 26.11.2015 12 4.Tractor Implement Management Management of Tractor related functions by trailed equipment  Chance for safety related functions e.g. opening of guards  cut off of power sources (PTO, hydraulic and electric) maximal allowed speed in case of failure  stop of the Tractor power sources (PTO, hydraulic and electric)

13 SVLFG 26.11.2015 13 Thank you

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