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Joyce Guillen (Line) Claudio Henrique (Production) Surena Iao (Beverage) Haddy Homampour (Service) - The Review - Week 1 – October 19 th thru 22 nd.

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Presentation on theme: "Joyce Guillen (Line) Claudio Henrique (Production) Surena Iao (Beverage) Haddy Homampour (Service) - The Review - Week 1 – October 19 th thru 22 nd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joyce Guillen (Line) Claudio Henrique (Production) Surena Iao (Beverage) Haddy Homampour (Service) - The Review - Week 1 – October 19 th thru 22 nd

2 Presentation Outline Diavolo Mission Statement & Accomplishments Diavolo Mission Statement & Accomplishments Review of SMART Objectives, Strategies & Accomplishments Review of SMART Objectives, Strategies & Accomplishments Guest Perceptions Guest Perceptions Sales Building Plan Review Sales Building Plan Review Merchandise Review Merchandise Review Revenue Analysis & Daily Revenue Info Revenue Analysis & Daily Revenue Info Data Trap and Benchmark Comparisons Data Trap and Benchmark Comparisons Cost Analysis Cost Analysis Training Programs Review Training Programs Review Motivation & Morale Review Motivation & Morale Review Recommendations & Individual Key Insights Recommendations & Individual Key Insights Q&A Q&A

3 Diavolo’s Mission Statement “ To provide our guests a unique perspective on fine dining establishments; to allow our staff members to develop practical skills and knowledge in their work environment and above all to ensure the quality of food and service our guests experience.”

4 Mission Accomplishments Have we accomplish our Mission? 1) Guest Satisfaction? 2) Support to Staff Members? 3) Good Quality in Food and Service?

5 Objective 1 “To manage the RKR as professionally as possible, we plan on setting a goal for the restaurant to increase the percentage of alcohol in the menu mix by 1% each day”

6 How to Get There Objective 1 – Actions & Strategies  We can accomplish this by our wine tasting opportunities and through training our serving staff to encourage basic wine pairings with menu items.

7 Have we achieved Objective 1?  Yes we have. We have increased the wine sales by 5% from Thursday to Friday  Be careful with analysis !!!! Thursday was unusual day to compare.

8 Objective 2 “We will strive to have all guests’ complete meals served in two hours or less. We are expecting to maintain this goal with 90% of our tables.”

9 How to Get There Objective 2 – Actions & Strategies By training BOH on proper ticket timing, by training our FOH on the sequence of service and controlling the time thru our host and server likewise.

10 Have we achieved Objective 2?  Yes on Thursday with 87.5% of the tables finishing their dining experience in last than 2 hours.  No on Friday. Only 12.5 %  Possible reasons: Frozen pork by beginning of service and Members of parties arriving at different times.

11 Objective 3 “We plan to increase our customer base for the RKR. We intend to get some form of contact information from our guests in 80% of our tables.”

12 How to Get There Objective 3 – Actions & Strategies We will encourage our guests to fill the e-mail section in by implementing our service manager in promoting the opportunities and information they can receive through their e-mail.

13 Have we achieved Objective 3?  Almost accomplished on Thursday with 79.5% of the guests leaving some kind of contact information on the comment card.  Not accomplished on Friday with only 34%.  Possible reasons: More personal service on Thursday than Friday (busier on Fri)  Possible Solution: Beverage manager should help service manager on touching tables.

14 Guest Perceptions Presentation: 94 Taste: 92 Portion Size: 93 Temperature: 80 Value: 79 Friendliness: 94 Appearance: 94 Knowledge: 92 Timing/Efficiency: 84 Attention to Detail: 90

15 Sales Building Plan Which strategy worked better based on our feedback questionnaire? 1)Sales Blitz ? 2) Direct mail and e-mail ads? 3) Friends & Families ?

16 Merchandise Wine Tasting – Has it helped in building up Wine Sales? $25 Thursday Special- Has it helped on the bottom line? If not, has it helped bringing guests into the restaurant ?

17 Revenue Analysis Dates Oct 19-21 HRT382 Forecast Revised Forecast Actual Results Variance Guest Count 159108103 + 5 Average Check $ 20.18 $30 $ 31.21 + $1.21 Total Sales $ 3,149 $ 2,549 $ 3,214 + $ 665

18 Daily Revenue Information DaysThursFridayTotal F&B Mix Food Sales $1243 $ 1519 $276185.9% Beer Sales $3$13$16 Wine Sales $150$286$436 Total Bar Sales $153$299$45214.1% Total Sales $1397$1818$3214100% Guest Count 5449103 Average Check $25.87$37.10$31.21

19 Data Trap & Historical Benchmark Menu Item Oct 2005 count Oct 2005 % Oct 2004 count Oct 2004 % Variance Goat cheese 76%1212.1%(6.1%) Crab cake 1613.9%2222.2%(8.3%) Tot. Appt. 5346.1%7676.8%(30.7%) Fish1815.6%1616.2%(0.6%) Steak4135.6%2424.2%11.4% Tot.entree11589.9%99100%(10.2%) Apple crisp 2320%1313.1%6.9% Chocolate2420.9%1111.1%9.9% Tot.desser6859.1%7575.8%(16.1%) tot. bev. 81111%112113.1%(2.1%)

20 Cost Analysis ItemCost Sub item CostVariance Lentils$0.53/lb Green lentils $2.70/lb$2.17/lb Frozen pearl onions $1.09/10 oz. Fresh pearl onions $2 /10 oz. $0.91/ 10 oz Sirloin steak $4.99/lb Porter house $7.50 / lb $2.51/ lb Orange juice $0.19 cup Fresh oranges $0.99/ cup $0.8/ cup

21 Training Programs – Have they worked as originally planned?  Production – Sanitation ?  Line – Decreased Ticket Times ?  Service – Communication between BOH & FOH ?  Beverage – Featured wine & pouring, bottle opening ?

22 Motivation & Morale You tell us…. Were you guys motivated to work? What could have been done better in terms of motivation? What motivated you the most to work? What did not motivate you to work at all?

23 Recommendations Plan in advance Flexibility with staff members Be knowledgeable Practice good communication with: previous management team, next management team, vertical, horizontal and whoever is there to help. Speak up!!! Don’t be so caught up on the business and production part of the project. Don’t forget training, motivation, morale, safety and sanitation

24 Recommendations Be organized (avoid waste of time and product) Stay calm and patient. You are the captain of this ship Be specific and detailed when delegating. Anticipate needs Ask if you don’t know and take a lot of notes.

25 Key Insights ProductionLineServiceBeverage

26 The End !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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