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Presentation on theme: " Future of Social Europe & Workers’ Voice Hannah Reed Senior Employment Rights Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Future of Social Europe & Workers’ Voice Hannah Reed Senior Employment Rights Officer

2 Support for the single market depends on an effective social dimension Jobs Counterweight to deregulation Sources of key rights

3 Key pillars in EU Social Model Promoting equality –Equal value; LGBT rights Promoting employment standards –Rights for part-time; fixed term & agency workers; health and safety Worker representation –Information and consultation rights Respecting human rights –National industrial relations systems & freedom of association

4 Turning tide Limited social policy programme –Better regulation & small firm exemptions ECJ Judgements –Limiting right to strike and collective bargaining and use of national law and procurement Austerity measures –Minimum wage rates; public sector pay & collective bargaining

5 Future for Social Europe Rebuilding social and political support –Placing ‘social rights’ at the heart of the EU Restoring fundamental rights –Social Progress Clause & revised Posted Workers Directive Expanding the social dimension –Role for workers’ voice –Information and consultation rights

6 EU Information and consultation rights On collective redundancies –Saving jobs and incomes –Protecting against discrimination Before outsourcing (TUPE) –Protecting those affected by privatisation and contracting out –Maintaining recognition rights In EWCs –Influencing the decisions of multi-nationals At a national level

7 UK Review of collective redundancy consultation Reducing 90 day consultation period –Lessons from recession on benefits of longer consultation Changes to ‘who is consulted’ could undermine established industrial relations Woolworths revealed anomalies and unfairness of ‘establishment’ test + 20 employee threshold

8 UK Review of TUPE Regulations Service provision changes: ensuring TUPE applies to all transfers of service staff –Increased certainty; reduced litigation Increased harmonisation after transfer: –conflicts with the Directive & encourages competition on wages rather innovation and effectiveness Earlier disclosure of liabilities for contractors Importance of consultation arrangements

9 EU Fitness Checks Are the following rights ‘fit for purpose’: –Collective redundancies –TUPE –ICE

10 Benefits of consultation Gaining early intelligence on financial forecasts; & reorganisation Informing bargaining With a view to reaching agreement –Akin to negotiation (Junk case)

11 Conclusion Press for the social dimension to be at the heart of Europe Press for the extension of the social rights, including workers’ voice Press for the restoration of fundamental social rights

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