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Hashing Lecture 10. More Efficient Searching Question: Can searching be more efficient than logarithmic O(log n) significantly? Example: a set of students.

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1 Hashing Lecture 10

2 More Efficient Searching Question: Can searching be more efficient than logarithmic O(log n) significantly? Example: a set of students represented as (id, name, data). 11379100Wang Ling… 11379102Gao Min… 11379104Zhang Bin… 11379106Li Ping… 11379107Liang Hao… ……… 11379134Liang Li…

3 Storing the record in an array We store the records in an array: a record is stored in some address according its id (key) using the function: h(key) = last 3 digits of key -100 10379100Wang Ling… … 10379102Gao Min… … 10379104Zhang Bin… 10379106Li Ping… 10379107Liang Hao… ……… 012346678012346678 h(10379102)=2, so the student record with id 10379102 is stored at index 2 in the array.

4 Searching costs constant time Searching a student with id = k: compute its storing address h(k), access the data at h(k). Inserting a student with id = k: compute its storing address h(k) and store the record at index h(k); Deleting a student with id = k: compute its storing address h(k) and remove the record at index h(k); Complexity: constant time as long as computing h(k) is easy.

5 Hashing Problem: a set of records of the form (key, data), each with a unique key, need efficient insertion, deletion and searching.

6 Hashing General idea: store the records in an array T of size m using some function h that computes their storing (hash) addresses according to their keys: h : K -> [0..m-1], where K is the set of keys, that is, for each k  K, 0  h(k)  m-1, h(k) is called the hash address of k. The function h is called a hash function. The search table T is called a hash table.

7 Hashing Inserting a record (k, d): compute h(k) using the hash function, and store (k,d) in T[h(k)]; Searching a record with key = k: compute its hash address h(k) and access the data T[h(k)]; Deleting a record with key =k: compute its has address h(k) and access the data T[h(k)]; This method is called hashing: design a hash function and store the records in an array. The array that stores the records and supports insertion, deletion and search is called a hash table. Complexity: constant time as long as computing h(k) takes constant time.

8 Hashing Functions The set of keys: {10389099,10389100, 10389102, 10389103, 10389106,…, 10389134, 10370001, 10370018, 10370052, 10370055, 10370084,…, 10370114}. –h(key) = last four digits. Problem: the array size would be too big and waste memory –h(key) = last three digits. Problem: two different keys hash to the same address: h(10389099)=h(10370099), collision occurs. Compilers use hash tables (symbol table) to keep track of declared variables, the hash function is from the set of possible variables to a limited range [0..m-1].

9 Hash Function With hashing, an element of key k is stored in T[h(k)] h: hash function –maps the universe U of possible keys into the slots of a hash table T[0,1,...,m-1] –an element of key k hashes to slot h(k) –h(k) is the hash value of key k

10 Collisions It looks that it is difficult to design a one-one hash function as the set of possible keys is big. Collisions: two different keys hash to the same value, that is, k 1  k 2, but h(k 1 )=h(k 2).. The birthday problem: How many randomly chosen people need to be in the room before it becomes likely that two people have the same birthday: “The probability reaches 100% when the number of people reaches 367 (including February 29 births), but perhaps counter-intuitively, 99% probability is reached with just 57 people, and 50% probability with 23 people. ”(from wikipedia). m people all have different birthdays is which will be less than 0.5 when m  23.

11 Tasks of Hashing Using hashing needs to solve the following problems.  Task 1: Design a good hash function –that is fast to compute and –can minimize the number of collisions, or have an even distribution of the hash values.  Task 2: Design a method to resolve the collisions when they occur

12 Design Hash Function A simple and reasonable strategy: h(k) = k mod m –e.g. m=12, k=100, h(k)=4 –Requires only a single division operation (quite fast) Certain values of m should be avoided –e.g. if m=2 p, then h(k) is just the p lowest-order bits of k; the hash function does not depend on all the bits –Similarly, if the keys are decimal numbers, should not set m to be a power of 10 It’s a good practice to set the table size m to be a prime number Good values for m: primes not too close to exact powers of 2 –e.g. the hash table is to hold 2000 numbers, choose m=2003.

13 Deal with String-type Keys Can the keys be strings? Most hash functions assume that the keys are natural numbers –if keys are not natural numbers, a way must be found to interpret them as natural numbers Method 1: Add up the ASCII values of the characters in the string –Problems: Different permutations of the same set of characters would have the same hash value If the table size is large, the keys are not distribute well. e.g. Suppose m=10007 (prime) and all the keys are eight or fewer characters long. Since ASCII value <= 127, the hash function can only assume values between 0 and 127*8=1016

14 Method 2 –If the first 3 characters are random and the table size is 10,007 => a reasonably equitable distribution –Problem English is not random Only 28 percent of the table can actually be hashed to (assuming a table size of 10,007) Method 3 –computes –involves all characters in the key and be expected to distribute well 27 2 a,…,z and space

15 Multiplication  Mutiplication (see Knuth): –Multiply the key k by a constant 0< A < 1 and extract the fraction part of kA. –Multiply kA by m and take the floor of the result. h(k) =  m(kA mod 1)  where "kA mod 1" means the fractional part of kA, that is, kA -  kA . Advantages: The value of m is not critical. Reasonable A = (sqrt(5)-1)/2=0.618…(Knuth)

16 Example: Hash(k) =  2^10*(0.618*k mod 1)  %17 Key: PAL, LAP, PAM, MAP, PAT, PET, SET, SAT, TAT, BAT Addr: 9, 8, 13, 7, 11, 14, 6, 16, 2, 10 where a string abc is converted to a+b*29+c*29^2(a char is seen as an int)..

17 Collision Handling: (1) Separate Chaining Instead of a hash table, we use a table of linked list keep a linked list of keys that hash to the same value Keys: 0,1,4,9,16,25,36, 49,64,81 Hash function: h(K) = K mod 10

18 Separate Chaining Operations To insert a key K –Compute h(K) to determine which list to traverse –If T[h(K)] contains a null pointer, initialize this entry to point to a linked list that contains K alone. –If T[h(K)] is a non-empty list, we add K at the beginning of this list. Searching a key K: compute h(k), and traverse the list at T[h(K)]. To delete a key K –compute h(K), then search for K within the list at T[h(K)]. Delete K if it is found.

19 Analysis of Hashing We count the number of probes: one comparison of a key with the target. This number will depends on how full the table is, the load factor. The load factor of a table is =n/t, n is the number of entries in the table and t the size of the array. For example, =1 for the previous example.

20 Analysis of chaining The average length of the chains is, so the number of probes for insertion and unsuccessful search is. The number of probes made for successful searches is (k+1)/2, assuming sequential search, k is the length of the chain containing the target. The average for k is 1 plus the average length of the chains for the remaining (n-1) records, i.e. (n-1)/t, so T( )= (k+1)/2 = (1+(n-1)/t + 1)/2≈ 1+ /2. So running time is less than T(0.8) for =0.8.

21 Collision Handling: (2) Open Addressing Open addressing: relocate the key K to be inserted if it collides with an existing key. –We store K at an entry different from T[h(K)]. Two issues arise –what is the relocation scheme? –how to search for K later? Three common methods for resolving a collision in open addressing –Linear probing –Quadratic probing –Double hashing

22 Open Addressing Strategy To insert a key K, compute hash(K). If T[hash(K)] is empty, insert it there. If collision occurs, probe alternative cells h 1 (K), h 2 (K),.... until an empty cell is found. h i (K) = (hash(K) + f(i)) mod m, i=1,2,… –f: collision resolution strategy –Operation ‘mod’ makes the table a circular array.

23 Linear Probing f(i) =i –cells are probed sequentially (with wraparound) –h i (K) = (hash(K) + i) mod m Insertion: –Let K be the new key to be inserted, compute hash(K) –For i = 1 to m compute L = ( hash(K) + i ) mod m If T[L] is empty, then we put K there and stop. –If we cannot find an empty entry to put K, it means that the table is full and we should report an error.

24 Linear Probing Example Example. keys: 10, 100, 32, 45, 58, 126,3, 26 Hash table size: m=13 Hash function: h(k)=k%m Resolving collision: linear probing h(k) = k%13 k: 10, 100, 32, 45, 58, 126, 3, 26 h(k): 10, 9, 6, 6, 6, 9, 3, 0 The hash table:

25 k: 10, 100, 32, 45, 58, 126, 3, 26 h(k): 10, 9, 6, 6, 6, 9, 3, 0 0123456789101112 26332455810010126 Address Keys A hash table

26 Primary Clustering We call a block of contiguously occupied table entries a cluster On the average, when we insert a new key K, we may hit the middle of a cluster. Therefore, the time to insert K would be proportional to half the size of a cluster. That is, the larger the cluster, the slower the performance.

27 Primary Clustering Linear probing has the following disadvantages: –Once h(K) falls into a cluster, this cluster will definitely grow in size by one. Thus, this may worsen the performance of insertion in the future. –If two clusters are only separated by one entry, then inserting one key into a cluster can merge the two clusters together. Thus, the cluster size can increase drastically by a single insertion. This means that the performance of insertion can deteriorate drastically after a single insertion. –Large clusters are easy targets for collisions.

28 Quadratic Probing Example f(i) = i 2 h i (K) = ( hash(K) + i 2 ) mod m Example. keys: 10, 100, 32, 45, 58, 126,3, 26 Hash table size: m=13 Hash function: h(k)=k%m Resolving collision: quadratic probing h(k) = k%13 k: 10, 100, 32, 45, 58, 126, 3, 26 h(k): 10, 9, 6, 6, 6, 9, 3, 0 The hash table:

29 Quadratic Probing Two keys with different home positions will have different probe sequences –e.g. m=101, h(k1)=30, h(k2)=29 –probe sequence for k1: 30,30+1, 30+4, 30+9 –probe sequence for k2: 29, 29+1, 29+4, 29+9 If the table size is prime, then a new key can always be inserted if the table is at least half empty (see proof in text book) Secondary clustering –Keys that hash to the same home position will probe the same alternative cells –To avoid secondary clustering, the probe sequence need to be a function of the original key value, not the home position

30 Double Hashing To alleviate the problem of clustering, the sequence of probes for a key should be independent of its primary position => use two hash functions: hash() and hash2() f(i) = i * hash2(K) –E.g. hash2(K) = R - (K mod R), with R is a prime smaller than m

31 Double Hashing Example h i (K) = ( hash(K) + f(i) ) mod m; hash(K) = K mod m f(i) = i * hash2(K); hash2(K) = R - (K mod R), Example: m=10, R = 7 and insert keys 89, 18, 49, 58, 69 To insert 49, hash2(49)=7, 2 nd probe is T[(9+7) mod 10] To insert 58, hash2(58)=5, 2 nd probe is T[(8+5) mod 10] To insert 69, hash2(69)=1, 2 nd probe is T[(9+1) mod 10]

32 Choice of hash2() Hash2() must never evaluate to zero For any key K, hash2(K) must be relatively prime to the table size m. Otherwise, we will only be able to examine a fraction of the table entries. –E.g.,if hash(K) = 0 and hash2(K) = m/2, then we can only examine the entries T[0], T[m/2], and nothing else! One solution is to make m prime, and choose R to be a prime smaller than m, and set hash2(K) = R – (K mod R) Quadratic probing, however, does not require the use of a second hash function –likely to be simpler and faster in practice

33 Deletion in Open Addressing Actual deletion cannot be performed in open addressing hash tables –otherwise this will isolate records further down the probe sequence 0123456789101112 26332455810010126 Hash(k) = k%13 What happens if we simply delete 45 and search 58? Solution: Add an extra bit to each table entry, and mark a deleted slot by storing a special value DELETED.

34 Analysis of open addressing Assume that the hashing addresses are evenly distributed and probes are independent random events. The probability to hit a non-empty cell is, and the probability to hit an empty cell is (1- ). The probability to make k probes, where only the last probe hits an empty cell, is k-1 (1- ). The expected number U( ) of probes in an unsuccessful search is  k k = (  k )’=(1/(1- ))’

35 The number of probes for a successful search is the number of probes made when the entry is inserted, this is also the number of probes made for unsuccessful search (before the entry was inserted). So the expected number of probes for successful searches is the average of U(x) on [0, ]: Searching takes constant time as S( ) is an increasing function, for example, S( )  S(0.75).

36 Chaining versus Open Addressing  Advantages of chaining If the records are large, a chained hash table can save space. Collision resolution with chaining is simple; no clustering. The hash table itself can be smaller than the number of records; overflow is no problem. Deletion is quick and easy in a chained hash table.  Advantages of open addressing Can be more space efficient for small records as no extra links are stored; No overhead of creating new nodes for insertions Easier to serialize because no pointers.

37 From Kruse and Ryba.

38 Conclusions Chaining requires fewer probes than open addressing. Chaining requires less probes for unsuccessful searches than successful searches. Quadratic probing is generally better than linear probing. For successful searches, the simple method linear probing is not so bad if the table is not almost full. For unsuccessful searches, clustering quickly causes linear probing to degenerate into a long sequential search. Finally, The time complexity does not depend on the size of the table or the size of the array. It depends on the load factor.

39 Summary Hashing gives an efficient data structure for insertion, deletion and searching. Running time depends on the load factor, and is constant. For separate chaining, should be close to 1 and for open addressing should not exceed 0.5. Hash functions: division method and multiplication method for integer keys. In general, “to hash means to chop something up or to make a mess out of it.”(V.3, Knuth). Applications: symbol tables in compilers, on-line spelling check, transposition tables in game-playing. Comparing with BST: BST can be used to search that requires ordering, for example, find the minimum, for all items in some range.

40 Exercises Trakla: Hashing part Labs: – Implement separate chaining. –Solve “message flood” using hashing, binary search and binary search trees.

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