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Ing. Ondřej Ševeček MCSM:Directory | MVP:Enterprise Security | Certified Ethical Hacker | MCSE:SharePoint | Event Filtering.

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Presentation on theme: "Ing. Ondřej Ševeček MCSM:Directory | MVP:Enterprise Security | Certified Ethical Hacker | MCSE:SharePoint | Event Filtering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ing. Ondřej Ševeček MCSM:Directory | MVP:Enterprise Security | Certified Ethical Hacker | MCSE:SharePoint | Event Filtering and Searching with XPath and PowerShell SCOM ACS bohužel nebude, zato bude víc ostatního

2 Auditing (2000+)

3 Granular auditing (2008/Vista+)

4 Event viewer



7 Event viewer and XML

8 XPath  XML "searching" language  Quick examples //State[@code='CZ'] //State[population>20] /States/State[starts-with(display, 'C') and @continent='NAM'] //State[position()=3] /States/*[starts-with(display, 'C')] //display[starts-with(., 'C')] //display[starts-with(text(), 'C')]

9 XPath  Event viewer must replace with > must replace <= with <= can use only position(), Band() and timediff() today: TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) <= 86400000]]  WEVTUTIL normal operators >, >=, <=, != …

10 Logon auditing  Account Logon Event –"authentication event" –when an account database validates credentials  Logon Event –"session event" –every time an Access Token is created or closed

11 NTLM and Schannel network logon DC 2000+ Client 2000+ Server 2000+ App Traffic DC 2000+ SMB D/COM In-band NTLM hash Pass-through NTLM hash D/COM Dynamic TCP

12 Kerberos network logon (basic principle) DC 2000+ Client 2000+ Kerberos Server 2000+ App Traffic TGT: User In-band TGS: Server

13 Auditing (Interactive Logon) SQL FS WFE SQL FS WFE DC Client Account Logon 1 Logon 2

14 Logon types TypeValue Interactive2 Network3 Batch4 Service5 Unlock7 NetworkCleartext8 NewCredentials9 RemoteInteractive10 CachedInteractive11 CachedRemoteInteractive12 CachedUnlock13


16 Download err.exe  version 2008 –  most up-to-date version –SDK for Windows 8.1 –

17 Auditing (Network session) SQL FS WFE SQL FS WFE DC Client Account Logon 1 Logon 2

18 immediately at logoff Auditing (Interactive logoff) SQL FS WFE SQL FS WFE DC Client Logoff1

19 SQL FS WFE SQL FS WFE when TCP connection closed Auditing (Network session) DC Client Logoff1

20 PowerShell notes  Get-WmiObject -Computer -Query  EventCode, InsertionStrings

21 Timestamps in LDAP  pwdLastSet  lastLogon –non-replicated  lastLogonTimestamp  lockoutTime  badPasswordTime –non-replicated  accountExpires

22 Logon timestamps Client DC lastLogon 11:38 lastLogon 9:00 lastLogon - -

23 Logon timestamps (2003 DFL) Client DC lastLogon 11:38 lastLogon 9:00 lastLogon - - lastLogonTimestamp 11:00 lastLogonTimestamp 11:00 lastLogonTimestamp 11:00

24 lastLogonTimestamp  Requires 2003 domain functional level  Updated only once per 14-random(5) days –DC=idtt,DC=local –msDS-LogonTimeSyncInterval –1+ – minimum without randomization –5+ – randomization starts –14 – the default –...

25 Authentication failures Client PDC pwd2 DC pwd2 DC pwd1

26 Authentication failures Client DC badPasswordCount 3 3 2 2 PDC badPasswordCount 7 7 lockoutTime DC badPasswordCount 2 2

27 Searching in LDAP  (name=m*)  (&(name=m*)(c=cz))  (|(c=cz)(c=de))  (!c=cz)  (whenCreated>=20080323205258.0+1200)  (whenCreated>=20080323205258.0Z)  (pwdLastSet>=128962296000000000)  (userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)

28 Powershell and DateTime  get-date  [DateTime]::Parse("2011-05-28")  (get-date).AddDays(-50)  ((get-date) – [DateTime]::Parse("1601-01-01")).Ticks  ([DateTime]::Parse("2010-11-28") – [DateTime]::Parse("1601-01-01")).Ticks  ((get-date).AddDays(-50) – [DateTime]::Parse("1601-01- 01")).Ticks

29 Kurzy Počítačové školy Gopas na GOC170 - AD Monitoring with SCOM and ACS GOC171 - Active Directory Troubleshooting GOC172 - Kerberos Troubleshooting GOC173 - Enterprise PKI GOC174 - SharePoint Architecture and Troubleshooting GOC175 - Advanced Security GOC169 - Auditing ISO/IEC 2700x Získejte tričko TechEd 2014 za vyplněný hodnotící dotazník. Počítačová škola Gopas – Vaše IT škola života

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