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Leading Coherently: Reflections from Leaders Around the World Dr. Nancy Stanford-Blair Cardinal Stritch University.

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Presentation on theme: "Leading Coherently: Reflections from Leaders Around the World Dr. Nancy Stanford-Blair Cardinal Stritch University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading Coherently: Reflections from Leaders Around the World Dr. Nancy Stanford-Blair Cardinal Stritch University

2 What are the Challenges? Increased Expectations Increased Competition Increased Responsibilities Increased Stress Decreased Resources Decreased Trust and Confidence Decreased Workforce Decreased Efficacy

3 What have you done? For your Organization? For you?

4 Connecting Leadership to the Brain Dickmann, Stanford-Blair, 2002 New day with new Information That informs and forms us About leadership …a process of influence to achieve a goal

5 A process of influence enhanced by… Understanding the nature of human intelligence in order to Nurture others to increase capacity Nurture self to increase capacity Nurture systems to increase capacity

6 Six Dimensions of Human Intelligence Physiological Social Emotional Reflective Constructive Dispositional

7 Mindful Leaders Mindful leaders understand the nature of intelligence and nurture the capacity of others, themselves and their organizations. Others System Self

8 Mindful Leadership the process of engaging and nurturing the capacity of others, the system and themselves to achieve a shared purpose of value.

9 The Choice is Clear Mindful leaders promote: Physical and mental well being Social interaction and inclusiveness Common vision Direct and rich access to meaningful information Novelty and challenge Metacognition Mindless leaders promote: Physical and mental stress and decline Isolation and exclusivity Confusion about purpose Limited and passive access to information Redundancy and complacency Discouragement of reflection

10 The Purpose of this Research To Discover… to what extent and in what ways effective leaders intuitively promote the natural capacity of others what formed their ability to do so how they sustain themselves and their results

11 Three Simple Questions What formed you as a leader? What characterizes your leadership? How do you sustain yourself?

12 The Journey 10 Countries 30 Airplanes 33 Leaders 1 Carry-on, 1 Back Pack 3 Months Countless Stories Extraordinary Lessons

13 Data Collection and Analysis Collection Background Information Field Notes Transcription of 90 minute interview Analysis Coding field notes First level organization Coding transcripts Background Reading Second level organization Crafting the Outline

14 Leadership Coherence 3 1 24 1. Leadership formation …an inner coherence of core values, vocational calling and commitment to lead 2. Congruent leadership performance aligned to the nature of human capacity 3. Leadership sustainability through dispositions and strategies that elevate leadership influence. 4. Coherency between the elements of leadership formation, performance, and sustainability expands leadership consequence.

15 Forming the Core Core Values Shaped Called Committed Compelled

16 The Lessons— Core Values Formed by: family and community cultural, and mentor influence Calling Clarified by: adversity opportunity early work Commitment Solidified by: confidence and consequence=self efficacy

17 The Lessons- Deep core values and calling activated commitment, compelling them to accept leadership to achieve their goal Once mantle of leadership accepted, certain characteristics and behaviors aligned with their core and calling emerged Leading Congruently

18 Character and Behavior Values Performance that is congruent in character and behavior

19 Values Human Dignity Hard Work High Standards Competence Productive Thinking Service To Others Making a Difference Character Humble Passionate Contemplative Behavior Community Building Centering Thinking Capacity Social Emotional Reflective

20 The Lessons— Increasing Capacity IF you respect and understand those you lead you will be more likely to tune in to their needs IF you are perceptive about the skills and abilities of those you lead you will be more likely to maximize the match to the work they do IF you have confidence and trust in their abilities you were be more likely to empower their contributions In sum, if you recognize capacity and nurture will increase exponentially! …………………….

21 Increasing Capacity Sustaining dispositions compound leadership influence Values Performance An inner coherence about formed values is extended to leadership performance. Coherence between formed values and performance is further extended by sustaining dispositions that expand and compound leadership influence

22 Sustaining Dispositions and Strategies Leadership Sustainability Leadership Performance Stay Fit Manage Emotion Value Counsel Create Space Get Juiced Seek Stimulation Maintain Faith Centered Analytic Dispositions Creative Positive Persistent Curious Invested Strategies

23 Leadership Coherence— An Integrated Model Internal Coherency External Congruency Increased Capacity Expanded Consequence

24 Defining Leadership Coherence …..the alignment of internal core values with leadership practice to nurture capacity in self and others resulting in the achievement of shared purpose.

25 The Turn of the Screw: What Will You Do? Internal Coherence External Congruence Increased Capacity Expanded Consequence What is your core, calling, and commitment? How does your practice align with your core values and calling? How have you increased capacity in self and others? What evidence do you have of the enhanced consequence of your leadership?

26 A More Coherent You What will you do to tighten your core? What will you do to increase your congruency? What will you do to maximize your capacity and that of others?

27 To Spin a Greater Web Expanding Consequence

28 Or in the words of one superhero… “Not everyone is meant to make a difference, but for me living a normal life is no longer an option” Spiderman, 2002

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