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XXXXX School District Teacher and Principal Evaluation Project: Instructional Framework Selection.

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Presentation on theme: "XXXXX School District Teacher and Principal Evaluation Project: Instructional Framework Selection."— Presentation transcript:

1 XXXXX School District Teacher and Principal Evaluation Project: Instructional Framework Selection

2 Background The Purpose The Law The Timeline

3 Washington State Law Senate Bill 6696 Race to the Top application 2009 Legislation to put a new evaluation system in place for teachers and principals Changed criteria, moved from 2 tiers to 4 tiers, changed provisional status from 2 year to 3 years, and required submission of educator evaluation data to OSPI Created pilots to put this into practice Senate Bill 5895 2012 Legislation Requires all Districts to adopt and implement new teacher and principal evaluation systems no later than September 2013 Identified 3 ‘preferred’ Instructional Frameworks Provided language to the 4 tiers (unsatisfactory, basic, proficient, distinguished) Added language about multiple measures and summative scoring (to be done by 12.1.12 Added language about evaluation results being used for HR decisions by 2015-16

4 Three Frameworks to Consider Charlotte Danielson’s Frameworks for Learning Robert Marzano’s Teacher Evaluation Model University of Washington’s Center for Educational Leadership Five Dimensions Plus

5 Actions by Leadership Team 2010-11: 2011-12: 2012-13:

6 Analysis: Research Base Evidence: Decision:

7 Alignment to 8 Teacher Criteria Evidence: Decision:

8 Professional Development Opportunities Evidence: Decision:

9 Cost of Implementation Evidence: Decision:

10 Match with District Context Evidence: Decision:

11 Simplicity/Complexity of Framework Evidence: Decision:

12 Ease of Communicating to all Stakeholders Evidence: Decision:

13 Additional Resources to Implement Evidence: Decision:

14 Leadership Team Decision?

15 Suggested Next Steps

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