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Photometric calibration in Astro-WISE For the Astro-WISE consortium: Gijs Verdoes Kleijn OmegaCEN/Kapteyn Groningen University (and Philippe Heraudeau,

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Presentation on theme: "Photometric calibration in Astro-WISE For the Astro-WISE consortium: Gijs Verdoes Kleijn OmegaCEN/Kapteyn Groningen University (and Philippe Heraudeau,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Photometric calibration in Astro-WISE For the Astro-WISE consortium: Gijs Verdoes Kleijn OmegaCEN/Kapteyn Groningen University (and Philippe Heraudeau, Johannes Kopppenhoefer, John McFarland, Edwin Valentijn, Ronald Vermeij, etc…)

2 Overview M STD =-2.5log(countrate)+ ZPT- kX+ (CT 0 *color - CT 1 ) To cover full instrument FOV densely S/N limited, sigma clipped, weighted mean of magnitudes of (subset) of stars in 22 SA fields: Landolt standard stars Stetson standard stars DR5 (in SA fields) with no flags Preliminary Catalog from ugriz WFC for OmegaCEN secondary standards programme or your customized standard star catalog

3 Astro-WISE: photometric calibration chip-by-chip example: WFI@ESO/MPG2.2m ΔZPT chip-to-chip: <=0.3mag Δ(ΔZPT) vs time: <=0.05mag

4 Random error in zeropoint ALL instruments and filters WFI UBVRI =0.045 0.018 0.009 0.017 =0.015 ΔZPT=estimated error on ZPT from unweighted scatter (not formal error) Typical ΔZPT can be improved. Most ZPTs: no illumination correction: with illum: =0.01 no instrumental->standard transformation: with illum+transform: =0.007 Exclusion of “secondary /tertiary standards” does not decrease WFI@MPG/ESO 2.2m

5 Monitoring photometric calibration of instrument: Information sofar obtained with: (and Philippe Heraudeau, Johannes Kopppenhoefer, John McFarland, Edwin Valentijn, Ronald Vermeij etc…..)

6 Systematic error in zeropoint Example: dependence on calibrator set – WFC@INT: DR5 vs Sloan from Landolt+Jester transformations (2005, AJ, 130, 873) filterMedian ΔZPT (DR5-Landolt) uncertainty ΔuΔu0.070.02 ΔgΔg 0.01 ΔrΔr-0.030.01 ΔiΔi-0.040.02 ΔzΔz0.000.04 Verdoes Kleijn et al, 2007, ASP Conf, Series 364, 103

7 Overall photometric stability 1σ variations photometric scale Within a photometric night – WFC@INT: u~0.020, g~0.015, r~0.015, i~0.015, z~0.020 – WFI@ESO/MPG: R<~0.03 Over months (from WFI repeated fields) : – Photom nights only: R~0.05 in R – All nights (so variation largely atmospheric) : R~0.1

8 4 way to model atmospheric extinction in Astro-WISE 1.observations of standard fields at 2 airmasses 2.Standard extinction curve: coefficient stored in the database 3.standard field plus known zeropoints 4.Combination standard extinction curve and extinction report (OmegaCAM calibration plan) Standard extinctioncurve

9 Extinction Curves La Silla measurements 1995A&AS112_383 Burki etal Extinction Curve in use in Astro-WISE (La Palma Extinction Curve)

10 Variation in Extinction Curves La Silla (UBV) (variation due to volcanic activity) Wavelength independent shift of extinction coeff (within~0.025) CTIO ugriz Burki et al, 1995, A&AS, 112, 383 adapted from Smith et al, 2008, AJ, submitted

11 Up-coming Southern Sloan Standards Extension of Sloan standard work via CTIO 0.9m telescope 58 Southern fields (16000 stars) Smith et al, 2008, AJ (revising for referee comments) In future SkyMapper project (PI Brian Schmidt) tied to Tycho-2 catalog (BV)+transformations OmegaCAM secondary standards programme tied to Landolt ( plus Sloan South?) Global photometry

12 Full data lineage back to raw data for magnitudes of stars in Southern Hemisphere will increase monotonically automatically awe> pp.photcat.get_source_data(columns) awe> pp.photcat.get_content_of_catalog() awe> qsl=(SourceList.ulDEC -20.0) awe> len(qsl) … 25793

13 Summary Chip-by-chip ZPT accuracy in AstroWISE – random: ~0.01mag – Systematic: no quote: too much instrument/filter dependent Global photometry conceptually within reach with Astro-WISE

14 Error estimation on ZPT and extinction TBD Discuss error estimation and propagation

15 Photometric quality: zeropoint a test case Discuss Cen A case: – sd(mag stars)~0.1mag – Limited by inter/intra night changes in photometric conditions ultimately (?)

16 Astro-WISE Standard star program Sloan ugriz standards for Southern hemisphere Field(J2000) #Landolt#Stetson#SDSS DR5#PC (deg) SA51112.663+29.828002140 SA57197.171+29.384009520 SA684.146+15.8440013020 SA9213.946+0.9494121310946475 SA9328.783+0.8244011280 SA9444.033+0.5717010990 SA9558.500+0.0004542610930 SA98103.021-0.328461116023840 SA100133.529+0.5466133430 SA101149.112-0.3863511717765591 SA102163.779+0.86656615170 SA103178.779+0.5562015070 SA104190.592-0.553347615765701 SA105204.533+0.6764021720 SA106220.533+0.42721528640 SA107234.896-0.25228728388912006 SA108248.033+0.3696361480 SA110280.679+0.34839589038562 SA112310.529+0.524773120870 SA113325.533+0.49342483404613947 SA114340.529+0.6899519570 SA115355.779+0.88810011700 Astro-WISE ‘STANDARD’ STANDARD SET Up-coming steps Southern Sloan photometric standards OmegaCAM 2ary standards programma Other programs (check with Ivezic)

17 Ik weet dat ze van plan zijn met heel korte exposures (4sec) hun calibratie op te hangen aan de tycho catalogus. Maar dan wel met de SDSS filters, dus daar zit wel een transformatie in. Meer heb ik niet kunnen ontdekken. Voordeel van skymapper is wel dat ze een flink groter veld hebben, dus zeropoint fluctuaties gebeuren op een andere schaal dan in KiDS.

18 Accuracy UBVRI – ugriz transformations Discuss Results (systematic+random errors from analysis also presented at Blankenberge

19 Summary & Conclusions

20 Overview Photometric quality: random and systematic errors – Zeropoint – Atmospheric Extinction – Color transformation? Developments in Southern standard stars

21 Outline Chip-by-chip photometric calibration – Content standard star catalog UBVRI standards only: Stetson, Landolt( R dist, typical errors) Large ensemble of non-primary standards:SDSS,aw2s(fainter, typical errors) – m=-2.5log(countrate)+ ZPT- kX+ (CT_0 * color - CT_1) – Transformations: for which instruments? – Instrumental-Standard:non-diagnonal terms) – UBVRI-SDSS:systematic errors,( random errors) – Extinction curve: TBD – Calibration procedure sextractor aperture photometry – Random errors ZPT repeatability: upper-limit1: same field, different nights, upperlimit2: Cen-A observations TBD: extinction – Systematic errors: ZPT vs airmass, date-obs, chip, field, origin standards(=WFC results) Systematics in – Issues atmospheric cut-off illuminationcorrection – OPEN ENDS BELOW HERE – Astro-WISE allows analysis vs time (monitoring/trend analysis) because data in database Quality – TBD: Extinction – ERROR budgets underestimated AW2S errors Relevant developments outside Astro-WISE Next steps

22 Monitoring photometric calibration in Astro-WISE: zeropoint Calibrating instrument instead of single observations Stability atmosphere, instrument

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