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Michael D. Nedd Assistant Director of Minerals and Realty Management, Bureau of Land Management December 16, 2008 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Michael D. Nedd Assistant Director of Minerals and Realty Management, Bureau of Land Management December 16, 2008 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michael D. Nedd Assistant Director of Minerals and Realty Management, Bureau of Land Management December 16, 2008 1

2 National Integrated Land System Provides business solutions for the management of cadastral records and land parcel information in a GIS environment Provides a process to collect, maintain, and store parcel-based land and survey information Developed in modules. Slide No. 2

3 What is NILS? The National Integrated Lands System (NILS) has been under development for 10 years:  Survey Management (SM) – to manage survey data collected in the field (now combined with MM)  Measurement Management (MM) – to analyze and adjust surveyed data from the field  Parcel Management (PM) – to create and manage parcel features and their legal area descriptions  GeoCommunicator (Geo) – Internet Web site for the distribution and viewing of NILS data 3

4 NILS Core Functionality Core Functions Support BLM Business Cadastral Framework Data Steward = Cadastral Survey Tools = Measurement Management (MM) Current Land Status Data Steward = Title and Land Status Tools = Parcel Management (PM) BLM / FS Business Data Steward = Program Leads 4

5 Support of business lines Business Driven: Custom Views NILS Core Functionality Spatially Enabled Land Records (GCBD, Land Ownership, Authorizations, …) Specific Business Oriented Data Data Warehouse: All data available PRIS FAMSAFMSS OTHERS 5

6 BLM NILS Service Oriented Architecture (Enterprise GIS Evolution) 6 Spatially Enabling Other Business Systems… Examples: FAMS, PRIS, etc NILS Core Functionality: (Automated Geo-Centric Workflows) NILS

7 BLM NILS Service-Oriented Architecture National Lease Sales System Protection and Response Information System (PRIS) Automated Fluid Minerals Support System (AFMSS) FAMS(Maximo) Well Information System(WIS) National Integrated Land System (NILS) LR2000 7

8 GeoCommunicator is the publication site for the Bureau of Land Management's National Integrated Land System (NILS).National Integrated Land System Authoritative Data Spatially Enabled Land Records Specific Business Oriented Data WH&B FAMSAFMSS OTHERS INTERNAL EXTERNAL 8

9 GAP Analysis – NILS Release 5 Purpose - Interagency team to examine the latest release of NILS and evaluate the project’s scope. To ensure business needs and users expectation are being meet To address the changes in technology To work with other bureaus and agencies to move toward a common system with common standards Slide No. 9

10 Conclusions and Questions ? NILS National Integrated Land System National Integrated Land System 10

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