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Middle Harbor Redevelopment Project WEDA Conference November 5, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Middle Harbor Redevelopment Project WEDA Conference November 5, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Middle Harbor Redevelopment Project WEDA Conference November 5, 2009

2 Existing Middle Harbor Terminals ●California United Terminals (CUT) 170-acre break- bulk/container terminal at Piers D and E on the north ●Long Beach Container Terminal (LBCT) 101-acre container terminal at Pier F on the south

3 Proposed Middle Harbor Terminal ●Consolidate two older facilities into one efficient, 345- acre rectangular- shaped terminal ●Construction will occur in multiple stages over a 10- year period

4 Dredging and Excavation ●Demolish existing Pier D & Pier E wharves ●Widen and deepen Slip 3 ●Construct rock containment dike ●Excavate portion of Pier F

5 Middle Harbor Fill Site ●Fill Pier E Extension, wedge fill, and portion of Slip 1 ●Complete fill of Slip 1 and portion of East Basin ●Connect Pier E terminal to Pier F terminal with a fill EAST BASIN

6 Project Timing ●Estimated to start in Spring 2010 ●Require approx. 4,800,000 cy of fill material ●Project will generate 2,200,000 cy ●Fills will accommodate an additional 2,600,000 cy from other Port and outside sources ●Window of opportunity for acceptance of third party fill material between late 2010 to mid 2012

7 Sediment Management Plan Goals ●Illustrate Port’s decision process for sediment management ●Define management priorities for contaminated and uncontaminated sediments ●Define procedures for the movement of sediment ●Guidance document for Port Engineering and Environmental Planning throughout the life of the project ●Living-document to be continually updated

8 Sediment Management Plan ●Components include a description of the project, a fill plan, priority of acceptance of third party material, and environmental controls to protect water quality

9 Nature of Fill Material The Port will NOT accept material that: 1.Constitutes “hazardous waste” as termed by USEPA or CA DTSC 2.Deemed unsuitable for confined aquatic disposal by USEPA 3.Has or will have land use restrictions or other requirements imposed by DTSC or other regulatory agencies

10 Third Party Fill Material Criteria Acceptance of third party fill material based on four criteria: 1. Schedule –Delivery timing relative to fill construction progress 2.Fill Composition –Chemical and geotechnical nature 3.Documentation –Required permits, insurance, licenses, & agreements (MOA) 4.Fill Source –Geographic source of material

11 Geographic Source Priority 1.From other elements of the project 2.From other POLB dredging projects 3.City of Long Beach material unsuitable for unconfined aquatic disposal 4.POLA remedial dredging projects material 5.City of Long Beach material suitable for unconfined aquatic disposal but cannot be beneficially re-used 6.POLA material unsuitable for unconfined aquatic disposal

12 Geographic Source Priority 7. Western Anchorage Sediment Storage and Disposal Site 8.From dredging projects within Los Angeles County unsuitable for unconfined aquatic disposal 9.From dredging projects outside Los Angeles County unsuitable for unconfined aquatic disposal 10.POLA dredging projects suitable for unconfined aquatic disposal but cannot be beneficially re-used 11.Sand borrow from within the Port of Long Beach

13 Tom Baldwin Sr. Program Manager (562) 901-7155 Matt Arms Sr. Environmental Specialist (562) 590-4160 Thank You Thank You For questions/comments please contact:

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