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1  “ There are two levers for moving men – interest and fear”  Napoleon Bonaparte  EQ:  What caused the Fr. Revolution?  What was the Estate system?

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Presentation on theme: "1  “ There are two levers for moving men – interest and fear”  Napoleon Bonaparte  EQ:  What caused the Fr. Revolution?  What was the Estate system?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1  “ There are two levers for moving men – interest and fear”  Napoleon Bonaparte  EQ:  What caused the Fr. Revolution?  What was the Estate system?  Was it fair? Why? Why not?  F.R. causes handout  Sample Pay Stub- Questions

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3 3  In 1789 French Society was very unequal  There were 3 main classes of people, which was referred to as the (Estate system)  1 ST Estate, 2 nd Estate, and the third Estate  What and who did each group consist of?  1 st Estate  Priviledged Class  Clergy of the Catholic Church  Owned 10% of the land in France  Consisted of less than 1% of the population

4 4  2 nd Estate  Priviledged Class  Rich Nobles  Owned 20% of land in France  Consisted of 2% of the population  The Third Estate  Consisted of 98% of population  Had no power to influence the government  Frustrated by unfair system  Both the 1 st and 2 nd Estates rejected Enlightenment ideas, while the 3 rd estate embraced them. Why?

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6 6  The Estates General – a meeting of representatives from all three estates.  Each estate met separately with each group having one vote  1 st and 2 nd Estate had 300 delegates each  3 rd Estate had about 600 delegate  In 1789 Louis XVI called a meeting of the Estates General to discuss the poor French Economy and Raise taxes.

7 7  During the meeting the 3 rd estate voiced their concerns about the unfairness of the system and proposed setting up a constitutional government.  June 17, 1789 the 3 rd Estate voted to call itself the National Assembly and draft a constitution without the support of the king or the other two estates.  By doing this they proclaimed an end to absolute monarchy and the beginning of a representative government

8 8  Is it legal for a man in California to marry his widow’s sister? Why?  EQ:  How did the Third Estate/ National Assembly respond to their treatment by the king?  Why was Storming of the Bastille such a significant event?  Mari Antoinette Reading  Execution handout  Guillotine – torture disc

9 9  Tennis Court Oath – Members of the third estate moved to a tennis court after they found that they had been locked out of their building  They promised not to leave until a new constitution was written

10 10  Storming the Bastille – July 14 – The king threatens to use force on the third estate Until a mob overwhelms the kings forces at the Bastille – a prison that stockpiled gunpowder  Became a great symbolic act of the revolution  July 14 = July 4 in the U.S.A

11 11  The Great Fear – a wave of panic that spread throughout France because of widespread peasant rebellions  Commoners broke into Nobles homes – pillaged  The King and Queen left Versailles

12 12  Declaration of the Rights of Man  Reflected Enlightenment ideas and the Declaration of Independence  “Men are born free and equal in rights  Political associations should protect rights  “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity” became a slogan of the Revolution.  France became a constitutional monarchy.

13 13  Because neighboring countries were scared that revolution might spread to their countries, Austria went to war with France  France was defeated  The rise of the Sans- Culottes – literally mean “without Breeches”, but actually referred to those without fine clothes.  This signaled a more radical and violent stage of the revolution.

14 14  After the King tried to escape France, he was arrested and held prisoner  In Sept. of 1792, The National Assembly became the National Convention – which did not share authority with the King  On Jan. 21 1793 Louis XVI was beheaded on the Guillotine

15 15  Invented by Frenchmen  Killed Quick and “humanely”  During the Fr. Rev tens of thousands were executed at the guillotine  Other methods of Execution? Torture?

16 16  “You must lose a fly to catch a trout”  G. Herbert  EQ:  How did Napoleon gain power?  What were Napoleons’ 3 mistakes that led the downfall of his empire  Napoleon Movie  Invasion of Russia Handout

17 17  The Committee of Public Safety – was a 12 member body who was created by the National Convention to protect the young republic  Maxmillian Robespierre - Controlled the government by dominating the COPS  Reign of Terror – term used to describe Robespierre’s reign because so many were executed (40,000)  Robespierre himself was sent to the Guillotine on July 28 th, 1794  The Directory takes over – an Executive body of 5 men

18 18  Born in 1769 – Island of Corsica  Went to a French military school at the age of 9  Joined the army during the revolution  Became a national hero after he defended the National Convention from Royalist – support the king  In 1796 the Directory placed him in charge of the French military  Nov. 9 th 1799 Napoleon staged a Coup de tat – overthrow of the government.  Assumed dictator status

19 19  Napoleonic Code – A uniform set of laws for France that eliminated a lot of injustices under the monarchy  Set up more fair tax system  Set up national bank  Created lycees- Public Schools  Selling of Louisiana to the U.S.A  Sold the territory for 15 million  Wanted to focus on Europe  Stronger U.S.A. would rival Britain’s power

20 20  He wanted to create a French controlled European empire and spread the revolution.  At the battle of Austerlitz, Napoleon crushed the 1 st coalition of Britain, Russia, Austria, Sweden  After Austerlitz Napoleon controlled the largest European Empire since the Romans.

21 21 1. The Continental System – purpose was to make continental Europe more self sufficient and hurt Britain’s economy.  Called for a Blockade – forcible closing of ports  Problems -smugglers, allies disregarded ordered, Britain in turn ordered blockade of France  Hurt Napoleon more b/c Britain’s navy was stronger

22 22 2. Peninsular War  1808 – 1813  Napoleon invaded Portugal b/c it was ignoring the Cont. System  Spanish protested so, Napoleon removes Spanish king and puts his brother on the throne.  Spanish guerillas attack the French Army for 5 years  Napoleon lost 300,000 men and it severely weakened the French army

23 23 3. Invasion of Russia  Russia retreated towards Moscow and practiced the Scorched Earth Policy – burned grain fields and livestock so that the French couldn’t live off of Russian resources  Winter sets in and then Russians attack  Disaster for Napoleon’s army  Left Russian with 10,000 soldiers out of 400,000

24 24  DQ – If you could change any law in the U.S., which law would you change and WHY??  EQ  What was Napoleon’s fate?  What were the similarities/ differences of the American and French Revolutions?  Finish Napoleon Movie  Changes made by Napoleon handout

25 25  The third Coalition of Britain, Austria, Russia and Prussia defeated France.  Napoleon was exiled to Elba.  He Escapes…  Battle of Waterloo…. Duke of Wellington..  Exiled to St. Helena  Died of a stomach ailment in 1821.

26 26 French revolutionary stages

27 27  The American revolution was more about political rights and self government  The French Revolution on the other hand, was more about equality of the masses – more a social revolution  Both significantly changed World History

28 28  "One of the most ablest of all talents is to never use 2 words where only 1 will do“  -T.Jefferson  Finish movie if necessary  ?The King and the Rev handout  Ch 11 Test

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