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Re-charter Training Boy Scouts of America Heart of America Council.

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1 Re-charter Training Boy Scouts of America Heart of America Council

2 What is a “Charter” Permission is granted by the national council to an organization enabling them to use the Scouting program as part of their youth service program. It is an agreement between the organization and the BSA. It is renewed annually

3 Why Re-charter Renews partnership annually between organization and BSA. Updates paperwork of who is active and who is not. No one volunteers for more than one year. Believe it or not, Scouting is NOT a lifelong commitment. You renew that commitment annually.

4 Process 3-Months (90-days) prior to re-charter date ◦Meet with Charter Organization Executive Officer (IH) to:  Discuss the success and challenges of unit  Review role of the charter organization and local council.  Consider key unit personnel to determine replacements, additions, and recognitions.

5 Process 2 Months (60-days) prior to re-charter date ◦Commissioner and unit committee conduct a membership inventory of youth and adults. ◦Contacts or visits should be made to inactive youth and adults. ◦Every effort should be made to recruit additional youth and adults so the unit re-registers with no loss in membership.

6 Process 1.5 Months (45-days) prior to re-charter date ◦Commissioner and unit committee conduct the charter renewal meeting  Identifies youth and adults that will re-charter  Complete forms  Collect Fees ◦Charter Organization Executive Officer (IH) and Charter Organization Representative approves all volunteers and unit leader certifies the youth to be registered. ◦Participants include: commissioner, charter representative, executive officer, unit leader and all unit volunteers.

7 Process No later than15 days before renewal date – All paperwork and money turned into the council office (Check with your district commissioner for district turn in dates). 30 days after renewal date – formal charter presentation conducted

8 Internet Re-chartering Unit designates an adult member as the “Renewal Processor” – (RP) RP uses this years access code for re-chartering provided to each unit to log into the system. (Log in as 1 st time user) – and click on “Re-chartering”

9 Internet Re-chartering RP can: ◦Load council information from ScoutNet Or ◦Upload file from Packmaster/Troop Master Update roster ◦Update information ◦Select which current members to renew ◦Promote members ◦Add adult members ◦Add youth members ◦Update member data ◦Update member positions

10 Internet Re-chartering Update member fees ◦Assign “Multiple” status ◦Sign up members for Boys’ Life Complete survey of why people are not re-chartering After double checking everything, submits information to council and prints paperwork for signatures

11 Internet Re-chartering Note: You are NOT done when you hit “submit to council”. All paperwork must be signed and fees paid before re-chartering is complete. Paperwork and fees taken to council office for processing

12 Common Mistakes People Make During Re-charter

13 Don’t have all the required positions Cub Scouts ◦Charter Rep. ◦Committee Chairman ◦2 Committee Members  Pack Trainer and Scout Parent Coordinator Counts here ◦Cubmaster ◦At least one Den Leader Boy Scouts and Venture ◦Charter Rep. ◦Committee Chairman ◦2 Committee Members  Scout Parent Coordinator Counts here ◦Scoutmaster or Crew Advisor

14 Charter and Applications Not Signed The Executive Officer (IH) must sign the charter approving the adult leadership. The Unit Leader must sign the charter certifying all members are active. Parents and Unit Leader must sign all youth applications. Charter Organization Executive Officer (IH) or Charter Rep. and Committee Chairman must sign all adult applications.

15 Applications not submitted for new youth and adults If you add a youth or adult to the re-charter, you also need to turn in an application. A list of these people will print at the beginning as needing applications. Remember – new adult applications require the Disclosure Form for Criminal Background Checks and proof of Training.

16 Requirements for Adult Leader Applications Name, address, city, state, zip DOB, gender, SS# # 5 (References), # 6 (Questions) Signature of applicant on applications AND disclosure form Signatures of CC and COR/IH Youth Protection and Job Specific Training

17 Adults not providing Social Security Number All adult leaders go through a criminal background check. Lexis Nexis, the company that does the background checks, uses the SS# to ID the person. If a person does not want to provide their SS#, they can not be a leader.

18 Adult Leader Training is Required for All Positions Youth Protections (within last 2 years) Leader Specific Training ◦Page 4 of your booklet list required trainings for each position.

19 Too Many Multiple Positions in Same Unit The Charter Representative can also be the Committee Chairman or Committee Member. The Charter Organization Executive Officer (IH) can be any position in the unit (but would pay for that position). All other positions – one person, one job.

20 People Multiple Out of the Program This happens when they Multiple everywhere. Each person must have a primary position in which they pay registration fees. When the “primary registration” becomes due and not renewed, that person drops from being registered in all locations.

21 Not Following up with Dropped Members Every person, youth and adult, should be contacted and asked to renew in Scouting and/or invited to rejoin. If they chose not to, ask why. This allows you to gain a better understanding of why people are leaving your program. In some circumstances, where you can offer alternatives (another unit with another meeting night.)

22 Information Input No spaces in last names (DeCarlo not De Carlo) No apostrophes (OBrian not O’Brian) No initials for first names Use an initial for a middle name, don’t use a period. Prefixes are Dr., Rev. etc. Examples of Suffixes are Jr., III, etc. No need to enter Mr. or Mrs.

23 Information Input Change wrong contact information (Address, phone number, etc.) Change grades if wrong, but don’t “update” to the next years grade. ScoutNet will do automatically on June 1.

24 Availability You can log on for internet re-chartering 2-months prior to your renewal date: ◦BE, BM, TB, NS – November 1 ◦LB, NT, RTH, TH, TW, KW, PT, PL, TR – December 1 Your re-charter is due no later than the 15 th of the month of expiration.

25 Fees $15 for every registered youth and adult ◦NOTE: Tiger Cub Adult Partners do NOT pay registration fees. $12 for Boys’ Life Magazine $40 Charter fee for unit. ◦Increased this year do to higher cost of general liability coverage.

26 Why Boys’ Life Magazine? Youth have 2.54 times longer tenure. Youth more likely to advance in rank (78% vs. 38%). Three demographic editions (Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts) Better family involvement in Scouting Only $1 an issue!

27 Journey to Excellence Fill out the Journey to Excellence form and determine if your unit qualifies for Bronze, Silver, or Gold recognition. Has your unit logged your service hours for Good Turn for America?

28 Update emails in system Allows for better communication with membership. National council will begin conducting customer satisfaction surveys. (Voice of the Scout)

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