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Everything you know about osmosis = … (keep a numbered list) Question of the Day 12-14.

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Presentation on theme: "Everything you know about osmosis = … (keep a numbered list) Question of the Day 12-14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Everything you know about osmosis = … (keep a numbered list) Question of the Day 12-14


3 HOMEWORK Homeostasis and Transport guided reading 5.1

4 Examples of passive transport =

5 Carrier proteins – Carrier proteins – proteins that assist facilitated diffusion proteins that assist facilitated diffusion

6 Ion channels – Ion channels – proteins transport ions from high concentration to lower concentration proteins transport ions from high concentration to lower concentration Ions like Na+, Ca+, etc are not soluble in lipids, so they must travel through proteins channels Ions like Na+, Ca+, etc are not soluble in lipids, so they must travel through proteins channels Ion channels are ion specific Ion channels are ion specific Some channels are always open, some have gate Some channels are always open, some have gate Gates open from stimuli: stretching of cell membrane electrical or chemical signals Gates open from stimuli: stretching of cell membrane electrical or chemical signals


8 Active Transport – Active Transport – transport of materials against a concentration gradient – requires energy transport of materials against a concentration gradient – requires energy ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) – ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) – the ENERGY molecule for the cell the ENERGY molecule for the cell Breaks down from ATP  ADP (Adenosine di-phosphate) Breaks down from ATP  ADP (Adenosine di-phosphate) Hydrolysis of the phosphate releases energy Hydrolysis of the phosphate releases energy Active Transport

9 Active Transport Example v=1ZFqOvxXg9M&feature=relat ed v=1ZFqOvxXg9M&feature=relat ed v=1ZFqOvxXg9M&feature=relat ed

10 Sodium-potassium Pump – Sodium-potassium Pump – transfer protein example transfer protein example Transfers Na + out and K + in Transfers Na + out and K + in Creates electrical gradient which is important for nerve impulses Creates electrical gradient which is important for nerve impulses http://highered.mcgraw- http://highered.mcgraw- http://highered.mcgraw- http://highered.mcgraw-


12 Na+ / K+ Pump

13 Endocytosis – Endocytosis – when a cell surrounds and takes in material from the environment when a cell surrounds and takes in material from the environment Uses ATP Uses ATP


15 Endocytosis

16 Pinocytosis – Pinocytosis – Transport of fluids into the cell Transport of fluids into the cell

17 One example of active transport = ??? Question of the Day 12-15

18 Unit # 4 Test = Tuesday Dec. 21

19 Objectives Describe how the structure of the plasma membrane allows it to function as a regulatory structure and/or protective barrier for a cell. 12-14

20 Phagocytosis – Phagocytosis – Transfer of large particles / cells into the cell Transfer of large particles / cells into the cell Phagocytes – Phagocytes – Cells that ingest bacteria / viruses and lysosomes fuse w/ vesicle to destroy them before harm done Cells that ingest bacteria / viruses and lysosomes fuse w/ vesicle to destroy them before harm done STOPPED HERE 12-14

21 Exocytosis – Exocytosis – when a cell expels materials to the extracellular environment when a cell expels materials to the extracellular environment Cell exports proteins, hormones and wastes this way Cell exports proteins, hormones and wastes this way This process uses ATP This process uses ATP

22 Endo / Exocytosis

23 Exocytosis and endocytosis Exocytosis and endocytosis sa4Y8 sa4Y8 sa4Y8 sa4Y8

24 The End


26 1 question regarding diffusion 3 questions regarding osmosis (may include hypertonic, hypotonic, or isotonic solutions) 1 question regarding turgor pressure and/or plasmolysis 1 question regarding facilitated diffusion 1 question regarding ion channels 1 question regarding endocytosis 1 question regarding exocytosis 1 question regarding the sodium-potassium pump 4 additional questions = your choice but from this unit 1 question from a different unit

27 Test must include: At least 5 multiple choice with at least 4 choices each At lest 3 fill in the blank At least 2 true or false The rest = your choice

28 Skim section 5.2 and answer questions #s 1-6

29 Quick Talk Hypertonic solution Phospholipid Diffusion Contractile vacoule Turgor pressure Endocytosis Osmosis Hypotonic solution Lyse Ion channel Plasmolysis Pinocytosis

30 6%2520Osmosis.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.goldiesroom. org/Note%2520Packets/06%2520Transport/00%2520Tr ansport-- WHOLE.htm&usg=___jLC2fuTVg2WoENLx6stGwDLC2 8=&h=296&w=590&sz=32&hl=en&start=19&um=1&tbnid =so3zloAhuKV4nM:&tbnh=68&tbnw=135&prev=/images %3Fq%3Dosmosis%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox- a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en- US:official%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1

31 Warm Up 1-5 Draw and Label Each – hypotonic, hypertonic, isotonic, active transport, diffusion: (Blue circles = cells) Draw and Label Each – hypotonic, hypertonic, isotonic, active transport, diffusion: (Blue circles = cells) NaCl 25% NaCl 12% Sugar 10% NaCl 35% Sugar 5% NaCl 20% ATP used

32 Dialysis Tubing Lab Groups of two or three (NOT 4) Groups of two or three (NOT 4) Read through part 1 – create a flow chart of the procedure Read through part 1 – create a flow chart of the procedure

33 Warm Up 1-6 How is the dialysis tubing “selective”? How is the dialysis tubing “selective”? Get out your dialysis tubing lab. Get out your dialysis tubing lab.

34 Warm Up 1-6 Get you Part II lab set up Get you Part II lab set up Make your observations – finish lab questions Make your observations – finish lab questions Turn in your lab. Turn in your lab. Today: Today: Begin photosynthesis chapter Begin photosynthesis chapter

35 Warm Up 1-7 Get your Part II lab set up Get your Part II lab set up Make your observations Make your observations Finish the lab questions – Turn in Lab Finish the lab questions – Turn in Lab Today: Today: Start Photosynthesis!! Start Photosynthesis!!

36 Hypo / Hypertonic Solutions


38 1 question regarding diffusion 3 questions regarding osmosis (may include hypertonic, hypotonic, or isotonic solutions) 1 question regarding turgor pressure and/or plasmolysis 1 question regarding facilitated diffusion 1 question regarding ion channels 1 question regarding endocytosis 1 question regarding exocytosis 1 question regarding the sodium-potassium pump 4 additional questions = your choice but from this unit 1 question from a different unit

39 Test must include: At least 5 multiple choice with at least 4 choices each At lest 3 fill in the blank At least 2 true or false The rest = your choice

40 1 question regarding diffusion 3 questions regarding osmosis (may include hypertonic, hypotonic, or isotonic solutions) 1 question regarding turgor pressure and/or plasmolysis 1 question regarding facilitated diffusion 1 question regarding ion channels 1 question regarding endocytosis 1 question regarding exocytosis 1 question regarding the sodium-potassium pump 4 additional questions = your choice but from this unit 1 question from a different unit

41 Test must include: At least 5 multiple choice with at least 4 choices each At lest 3 fill in the blank At least 2 true or false The rest = your choice

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