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Objective: This activity asked the students to research and present information relating to US interventions in other nations and to define US policy in.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: This activity asked the students to research and present information relating to US interventions in other nations and to define US policy in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: This activity asked the students to research and present information relating to US interventions in other nations and to define US policy in the following terms: Economic Politico/Strategic Humanitarian

2  Technology Component:  Students were asked to research reliable internet sites and to utilize other media sources  Students created power points to present their researched findings to the class

3  Reflection:  The activity allowed the students to better connect with American foreign policy in the early 1900’s.

4 BY Amber Lovell & Ben Kling


6  The Guatemalan government had a newly elected democratic leader.  Expect he was extremely liberal and implementing reforms that made the US think he was a communist

7  The president was accused of nationalizing.

8  There were two main reasons for invading Guatemala  The leader was a suspected communist.  And Guatemalan Redistribution of an American company’s Land

9  The reason for US interest is because  They wanted to keep communist countries out of the western hemisphere  And because many people in the US government had strong ties to United Fruit Company  They wanted to make a warning to the soviets.

10  Because of the land reform, the United Fruit Company was being redistributed.  This would have an economic impact on the USA.

11  Despite having two reason for going into Guatemala the US only stated going in for one reason.  The reason stated was that there was belief that Arbenz was creating a communist nation.

12  The US’s goal was to keep Communism out of the western hemisphere.  They also wanted to keep there land in Guatemala

13  The Actual outcome of the US intervention is Political turmoil in Guatemala for the next 40 years

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