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1 Welcome to KU 121, Unit 3 Seminar Louisa Fordyce IM User ID: LRFordyce Online Office Hour by appointment with 24-hour notice.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Welcome to KU 121, Unit 3 Seminar Louisa Fordyce IM User ID: LRFordyce Online Office Hour by appointment with 24-hour notice."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Welcome to KU 121, Unit 3 Seminar Louisa Fordyce IM User ID: LRFordyce Online Office Hour by appointment with 24-hour notice

2 2 The topics for this unit are the quiz, sentence fragments, and brainstorming. But first, we will go over some terms from the writing process. Hint: these terms are also on the quiz, so it’s important to know and understand them.

3 3 Terms on the quiz: Writing process Brainstorming Pre-writing technique The quiz is only 5 questions, all T/F.

4 4 Class, first question: Is writing the process or the product? –The question is asking if writing is an ongoing process with steps to complete or is writing the end, the result, the finished product?

5 5 Answer Is writing the process or the product? It is the process of creating an essay, for example, and the steps needed to create the finished product.

6 6 Question Class, what is brainstorming? Please type responses now.

7 During brainstorming, the writer – that is you – generates raw ideas. During brainstorming, you write down whatever you can think of that will apply to your topic. 7

8 Is brainstorming just choosing a topic? Please respond now. 8

9 NOPE! First you choose a topic; then you brainstorm ideas for that topic. You start with a topic but then generate ideas. This is what brainstorming is all about. 9

10 Class, what is the writing process? Please type responses now. 10

11 The writing process - The step-by-step process anyone can follow in order to complete a writing assignment, whether it's for a class or a workplace project. 11

12 We begin with the understanding that writing is a process, not a product. By this we mean that the action of writing goes through several steps or phases. It is like following a path with clearly designated markers along the way. You have a “final destination” already in mind -- your professional autobiography -- but choosing how you get there is up to you! 12

13 Class, what are pre-writing techniques? Please type responses now. 13

14 Pre-writing techniques are the various ways we can brainstorm. Should you try only one pre-writing technique? 14

15 NOPE!! You should try as many pre-writing techniques as you need in order to get started with your essay. 15

16 Pre-Writing Techniques Jot lists Free-writing Mapping Tape recorders or voice to text software 16

17 A little review What is a sentence? 17

18 A sentence is a complete thought. A sentence has a subject and a verb at the very least. 18

19 What is a fragment? 19

20 A fragment is an incomplete thought. After I went to the store. Because it rained today. Ran the vacuum. Although all of the word groups have a period at the end, they are NOT sentences; they are fragments or incomplete thoughts. 20

21 What is a run-on sentence? 21

22 A run on sentence is two or more sentences run together without proper punctuation. First I went to the store then I went to the library the library was closed however the bank was open so I stopped there instead. There are at least 4 sentences run together without proper punctuation. 22

23 First I went to the store. Then I went to the library. The library was closed. However, the bank was open, so I stopped there instead. 23

24 What is a comma splice? 24

25 A comma splice is when a comma is placed incorrectly between two sentences instead of using a period or a semi-colon. 25

26 The library was closed, however, the bank was open, so I stopped there instead. Correction: The library was closed; however, the bank was open, so I stopped there instead. The library was closed. However, the bank was open, so I stopped there instead. 26

27 Prepositions Turn to page 568 in the textbook. I spend most of my time in the classroom or grading papers. 27

28 Prepositions During our stay in Hollywood, we rode in a limousine and ate at fancy restaurants. 28

29 Adjectives Turn to page 562 in the textbook. She bought three CDs, a blue sweater, and a new bathing suit. 29

30 Dependent clauses Turn to page 585. Before you leave, would you please shut the windows? 30

31 Interjections Turn to page 571. Wait! Are you serious? 31

32 Linking Verbs Turn to page 556. He is exactly right about that. 32

33 33 Brainstorming There are a variety of ways to brainstorm; just pick the method that works for you.

34 34 Clustering or Mindmapping Main Idea Overall Theme Contains Thesis Statement Point 3 Detail 1 Detail 2 Point 2 Detail 1 Detail 2 Point 1 Detail 1 Detail 2

35 35 Start by putting your overall topic in the center. For this assignment, the topic is your autobiography about your dream job.

36 36 Then, in the surrounding spokes, fill in information such as the main topic for each paragraph.

37 37 Dream Job Who you are Personal details Education Professional Experiences Wrap Up

38 38 Brainstorming Also called “planning” Or “prewriting” Idea generating phase Methods include: –Bubbling –Listing –Free writing Funnel and narrow down ideas Create Final Draft Brainstorm Specific Areas for expansion Writing Choose main ideas to develop Create structure that supports overall focus Focus on body paragraph ideas, introductory & concluding paragraphs Revising Make changes from peer suggestions Make fine tuning corrections; spelling, grammar, noun/verb, sentence-level concerns

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