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Policy and guidelines on school health, nutrition, sanitation and safety (SHNSS) CELM, Mombasa Nov-Dec 2010 11/26/2015 3:11 AM1.

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Presentation on theme: "Policy and guidelines on school health, nutrition, sanitation and safety (SHNSS) CELM, Mombasa Nov-Dec 2010 11/26/2015 3:11 AM1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Policy and guidelines on school health, nutrition, sanitation and safety (SHNSS) CELM, Mombasa Nov-Dec 2010 11/26/2015 3:11 AM1

2 DEFINATION OF TERMS Health refers to condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit especially freedom from physical disease or pain. Nutrition is the act or process of nourishing or being nourished; the sum of the process by which one takes in and utilizes food substances. Safety refers to the measures undertaken to minimize or eliminate risky conditions or threats that may cause accidents, bodily injury or emotional or psychological distress Sanitation refers to the act of promoting hygiene and prevention of diseases by maintaining sanitary conditions. This involves disposal/removing sewage or, waste. Learning 2

3 SHNSS POLICY ISSUES/EXAMPLE OF POLICIES SHNSS POLICY ISSUES/EXAMPLE OF POLICIES  Infrastructure and environmental safety  Water, sanitation & hygiene  Nutrition  Disease prevention & control  Abuse of learners  Sexual harassment  Drug and substance abuse  Gender issues  Child rights, protection and responsibility  Physical education 3

4 Guiding questions when formulating SNHSS policies  Why should schools have SNHSS policies?  What do school safety policies entail?  What do schools need to do to make their environments safe?  What issues should SNHSS policies address?  What is the process of formulating SNHSS policies? Learning 4

5 ACTIVITY Using the school SHNSS policy/guidelines. Work together to develop effective messages that you can use to justify why safety and protective policies are necessary in schools, and those policies which address the issues you listed. 11/26/2015 3:11 AM5

6 Examples of School HSS Policies Policy Issue Examples of School Policies Sanitation and hygiene Adequate and Separate latrines for male and female teachers as well as boys and girls. Clean and safe water for drinking and general use. Active commitment from the PTA/SMC/BOG in maintaining water and sanitation facilities Delivery of Simple School Health and Nutrition Packages Training and use of teachers to deliver simple health and nutrition interventions in collaboration with relevant stakeholders and with the involvement of the local community. Regulation of food vendors and the quality, hygiene and standards of the food provided. 6

7 Cont… School Feeding and meals Provision of a hot meal to all learners per day with an effort to ensure that the dietary needs of learners with special needs are catered for. All food handlers should have valid medical certificates and/ or trade licenses. Provision of safe preparation and storage facilities for food. 7

8 What is school health policies?  School health policies state actions to be taken to improve the overall health, hygiene and nutrition of the learners and especially those with diverse backgrounds and abilities.  Ensuring that all learners are healthy and are able to learn.  Development of a health policy requires involvement of partners in education- teachers, learners, parents, community leaders and social service providers. 8


10 . 1. ADVOCACY; Engaging the support of the SMC, PTA, teachers, learners, parents, religious leaders, local government leaders, people who work with children etc. gaining their support starts with advocacy. Persuasive messages that help decision makers see the importance of policies. 10

11 CONSENSUS BUILDING THROUGH SHARING Increase of base and support by recruiting a wide range of people such as formal and informal leaders. This can be done through; i. Talking about basic threats to safety and protection that affect children’s learning. ii. Talking about how school policies and programmes can benefit learners, staff and the community. iii. Discuss with parents, community leaders separately and get their ideas informal meetings. iv. Using public education techniques e.g. flyers, brochures, radius posters e.t.c, promote the need for school safety policies and programmes. v. Hold a contest to develop a local theme or slogan. vi. Encourage art class children to draw posters with safety messages to be pinned at community centres. vii. Identify likely community supporters who will be strong advocates to deal with sensitive safety issues or any misunderstanding or discouragement 11

12 12 BUILDING CONSENSUS The advocacy messages that are develop need to be communicated to the school; and community so that you can build the support you need to initiate important school safety policies. -Consensus building for policy Development. 1. Assemble your child friendly school team.  Local social worker  Professionals  SMC/Board  Teachers  Parents  Pupils  NGO

13 WHY SHNSS POLICIES To increase school attendance and reduce truancy. To enhance retention rate. To use (avoid wastage) of the enormous resources in education. To enhance accessibility to enable more learners to share the resources equitably A safe school enhances parents and communities confidence in having more children in school. 11/26/2015 3:11 AM13


15 Task Read the case study provided for Kaloleni and engage as a group/build consensus to provide a health policy implementation plan. 11/26/2015 3:11 AM15

16 Activity In groups; As a...... Read the case study and determine: What your role is in consensus building/implementation/ monitoring of the health policy for the schools provided for in Kaloleni? Head teacher Chief Clinical officer Pupil Parent Class teacher NGO Cooperate rep. Learning teachers.com16

17 Presentation The headteacher will be required to present a comprehensive report on how his/her school involved each of the participants in his team. 11/26/2015 3:11 AM17

18 Report... Head teacher to present the report 11/26/2015 3:11 AM18

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