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Bandage Types Robert Jones Bandage Used for temporary immobilization of fractures distal to the elbow or stifle before surgery Must extend one joint above.

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Presentation on theme: "Bandage Types Robert Jones Bandage Used for temporary immobilization of fractures distal to the elbow or stifle before surgery Must extend one joint above."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bandage Types Robert Jones Bandage Used for temporary immobilization of fractures distal to the elbow or stifle before surgery Must extend one joint above and below the structure you wish to immobilize Large bulky bandage that provides rigid stabilization

2 Tape stirrups are placed on the lateral aspects of the limb. A tongue depressor is placed between them to prevent adherence of the stirrups to each another

3 Adhesive tape stirrups are initially placed on the patient's foot

4 Roll cotton is wrapped along the length of the limb. Cotton padding can be used to create a thicker bandage if necessary

5 Elastic gauze is wrapped over the cotton and pulled fairly tight to compress it Not Shown: The stirrups are reflected on top of the gauze

6 Protective tape, nonocclusive is then firmly applied. Elastic tape, in this case Vetrap®, forms the outer layer of the bandage

7 C The completed bandage should feel solid, and a “ping” should be heard on percussion

8 Bandage Types Modified Robert Jones bandage (simple padded bandage) Less bulky Reduce post operative swelling of limbs Provides little or no splinting or immobilization

9 Very common bandage Very common bandage Forelimb or hindlimb Forelimb or hindlimb Numerous indications Numerous indications – Protect incision or wound – Provide support (minimal) – Prevent / reduce swelling

10 Tips Tips – Always work distal to proximal – Maintain constant pressure – 50 % overlap – Place the limb in functional position – Avoid wrinkles – Visualization of middle toes

11 A. Tape stirrups and a padded secondary layer are applied to the limb Modified Robert Jones or simple padded bandage

12 B. This is followed by application of a gauze tertiary layer

13 Make sure at least 2 toes are visible!

14 C. The stirrups are reflected to adhere to the gauze, and the bandage is covered by protective tape

15 Bandage Types Chest or abdominal bandage Applied firmly but without constriction of the chest or abdomen Applied in the standard three layers as described previously

16 Splints Distal limb splints Can be made with tongue depressors or pre made aluminum splints Used for temporary immobilization or definitive stabilization, commonly used on: Distal Radius and Ulna Carpus and Tarsus Metacarpal, Metatarsals, and Phalanges

17 Splints Used to support traumatized distal limbs Limb should be well padded to prevent pressure points from developing Always be placed on the caudal aspect of the limb

18 Cast Application Stabilization of certain fractures distal to the elbow or stifle Immobilization of limbs to protect ligament or tendon ruptures Must extend one joint above and below the structure you wish to immobilize

19 Specialized Bandages Ear bandages May be used in the treatment of aural hematomas After ear surgeries After traumatic injuries to the pinna Used to help immobilize the ear which increases the comfort for the patient

20 Specialized Bandages Tail Bandages Protect an amputation site Trauma to the tip of the tail

21 Aftercare of Bandages, Casts, Splints and Slings Close monitoring of the patient Monitor them daily for in hospital patients Weekly for out of hospital patients Client education is essential Toes need to monitored daily for: Warmth Color Swelling Foul odor from area

22 Aftercare of Bandages, Casts, Splints and Slings Closely monitor the patient for: Foul odor from area Watch for chafing or rubbing from the bandage Patient should not be allowed to: Chew or lick at the bandage (placement of Elizabethan collars may be required) Exercise should be restricted to short leash walks Protect the bandage from dirt and moisture when patient is outside (Placement of a plastic bag or waterproof material over the bandage) Cover placed over the bandage should not be left on for more than 30 minutes, allowing the bandage to “breathe”

23 Aftercare of Bandages, Casts, Splints and Slin gs

24 Abrasions  Partial thickness wounds of epidermis  Deep dermis is exposed  Can be painful  Associated with minimal bleeding  Develop minimal exudate  Heal by reepithelialization  Healing enhanced by keeping surface moist and protected

25 Lacerations  Have sharply incised edges with minimal tissue trauma  Can be superficial (skin)  Can be deep (tendons, muscle)  <12 hours after injury  Minimal débridement, lavage, primary closure  >12 hours after injury  En bloc débridement, primary closure

26 Puncture Wounds  Have small openings, deep tissue damage  Treatment  Exploration  Débridement  Lavage  Primary closure, or drain

27 Degloving Injuries  Common in small animals  Often result of being hit by car, and dragged  Anatomic degloving  Physiological degloving  Treatment  Débridement, lavage, management of open wound

28 Decubital Ulcers  Result of compression of soft tissue and skin between body prominence and surface an animal is lying upon  Possibility of secondary infections  Treatment  Prevention is best  Minimal débridement  Closures often fail  Skin flaps preferred in some cases

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