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Clever title…. You poetry teachers for today: l Form: l Tool:

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Presentation on theme: "Clever title…. You poetry teachers for today: l Form: l Tool:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Clever title…

2 You poetry teachers for today: l Form: l Tool:

3 Form:

4 Lyric and/or Narrative l Is this a lyric and/or narrative form? l Explanation:

5 Purpose of _________form l Explanation:

6 Common Subjects of _________form

7 Tone of _______form

8 Message of ______form

9 __________ Meter l Explain the meter:

10 Lines and Stanzas of ________ l Lines: l Stanzas:

11 _____________ Rhyme Scheme

12 _________Poet and Biography l Name: l Basic Information: l Interesting Fact:

13 ___________ Professional Poem Title: “______________________”

14 Let’s Read the Poem l Look at the poem…what might this be about? (ask the class) l Read the poem straight through without stopping: one person, one line each person, adding on people, a group reads the repeated lines)

15 Form Poem – Your Impression l Below the poem, write your first impression: What do you notice about this poem so far? What is this poem about? l Ask the class to share: about three impressions.

16 Discuss the Form Poem l The poet uses a specific form:________ l How does this form allow the author to express his or her ideas? Explain l How does the author punctuate (or not) or use capitalization to express?

17 Explain the Parts of the Form Poem l Re-read the poem aloud -- stop to paraphrase the poem in your own words. l Point out, or ask the class to point out the elements of the form!

18 Students Annotate the Poem while the Master Explains l Lyric or narrative l Meter l Rhyme l Tone l Mood l Purpose l Lines l Stanzas

19 My Final Impression l What this means to me? l What makes this good, in my opinion, … l What could be better, in my opinion,…

20 Do you understand this form? l Review with the students what to remember about your form

21 Poetry Tool:

22 ___________Described l Definition:

23 Several Short Examples of this Tool 1. 2. 3.

24 Why poets use_______

25 __________ Poet and Bio l Poet: l Basic Information: l Interesting Fact:

26 ____________Poem Title: “_________________”

27 Let’s Read the Poem l Look at the poem…what might this be about? (ask the class) l Read the poem straight through without stopping: one person, one line each person, adding on people, a group reads the repeated lines)

28 _________ Poem – Your Impression l Below the poem, write your first impression: What do you notice about this poem so far? What is this poem about? l Ask the class to share: about three impressions.

29 Discuss the ________ Poem l The poet uses a specific tool:________ l How does this tool allow the author to express his or her ideas? Explain. l How does the author punctuate (or not) or use capitalization to express?

30 Explain the Parts of the _________ Poem l Re-read the poem aloud -- stop to paraphrase the poem in your own words. l Explain what you think the author’s message is. l Point out, or ask the class to point out the elements of the form!

31 Students Annotate the Poem while the Master Explains l Lyric or narrative l Meter l Rhyme l Tone l Mood l Purpose l Lines l Stanzas

32 My Final Impression l What this means to me? l What makes this good, in my opinion, … l What could be better, in my opinion,…

33 Do you understand this tool? l Review with the students what to remember about your tool.

34 Quick Review l Form -- l Tool --

35 Partner Poem Put your BIG POSTER up on the board.Put your BIG POSTER up on the board. Read your poem together – alternate lines, alternate stanzas, alternate wordsRead your poem together – alternate lines, alternate stanzas, alternate words Paraphrase your poem for the classParaphrase your poem for the class Point out the form elementsPoint out the form elements Point out the toolPoint out the tool Are there any other forms or tools present?Are there any other forms or tools present?

36 Your turn…. If you are the first pair to present that day…no need for this slide. If you are the first pair to present that day…no need for this slide. If you are the second pair, this slide should say: If you are the second pair, this slide should say: Choose one of the forms taught today and write a poem that follows that form using BOTH tools! Choose one of the forms taught today and write a poem that follows that form using BOTH tools! Annotate! Annotate!

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