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Yingcai Xiao Chapter 10 Image Processing. Outline Motivation DWA: a real world example Algorithms Code examples.

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Presentation on theme: "Yingcai Xiao Chapter 10 Image Processing. Outline Motivation DWA: a real world example Algorithms Code examples."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yingcai Xiao Chapter 10 Image Processing

2 Outline Motivation DWA: a real world example Algorithms Code examples

3 Motivation: Visualization vs. Computer Vision Visualization: information to image Computer Vision (CV): image to information Inverse of the process Visualization: Information/Data -> Graphics Objects -> Images Visualization Rendering Computer Vision: Images->Graphics Objects ->Information/Data Image Processing Pattern Recognition

4 Motivation: Applications Augmented Virtual Reality: visualization meets image processing Google Glass Kinect Fussion

5 Motivation: Applications Medical Imaging tumor detection, wound assessment Monitoring traffic, surveillance, defects detection Automation robotics, factory, driving Google autonomous car

6 Applications: DWA Digital Wound Assessment Can be done locally or remotely Can be 2D or 3D

7 Applications: Remote DWA

8 DWA: Web-based Image Processing Multi-tier Web Application: Client (phone app) Web Server Application Server Database Server

9 Architecture of a Four-Tier Application DBMS / Database Server Database User Interface Database Engine Supporting Software Application Server Database API Application Logic App User Interface WEB S E R V E R Architecture of a Four-Tier Application WEB C L I E N T

10 Architecture of Remote DWA DBMS / Database Server Database User Interface Database Engine Supporting Software SANA ( OpenMRS DWA Image Processing Mobile Dispatch Server WEB APP S E R V E R Architecture of Remote DWA Four-Tier Application MOC A Phon e APP

11 DWA: Data Representation 2D array of colors Image header: info describe the image (dimensions, …) Compressed or not VTK image data (nxnx1) Java image readers

12 DWA: Image Processing (1)Preprocessing (2)Segmentation (3)Image Analysis (4)Healing Projection

13 DWA: Image Preprocessing (1) (1)Calibration (2) (2)Ruler processing (3) (3)Outlier remover

14 DWA: Segmentation (1) (1)Grey Scale (2) (2)Gradient (3) (3)Edge formation

15 Segmentation: Grey Scale Conversion /// grey scale as the length of the RGB color vector Public GrayScaleImage convertToGrayScale( ColorImage colorimage, int width, int height) { …. for(int i = 0; i < total; ++i) { newimage[i] = Math.sqrt((image[i * 3] * image[i * 3] + image[i * 3 + 1] * image[i * 3 + 1] + image[i * 3 + 2] * image[i * 3 + 2] ); } return new GrayScaleImage(width, height, newimage); }

16 Segmentation: Grey Scale Conversion /// grey scale as I in the IYQ model Public GrayScaleImage convertToGrayScaleYIQ( ColorImage colorimage, int width, int height) { …. for(int i = 0; i < total; ++i) { newimage[i] = 0.299 * image[i * 3] + 0.587 * image[i * 3 + 1] + 0.114 * image[i * 3 + 2]; } return new GrayScaleImage(width, height, newimage); }

17 Segmentation: Gradient Computation /// Compute the gradient of grey scale, public void computeXDifImage(GrayScaleImage image){ …. for(int i = 0; i < total-1; ++i) { newimage[i] = Math.abs(image[I + 1] - image[i]);; } return new GrayScaleImage(width, height, newimage); }

18 Segmentation: Edge Formation Create an array list for each edge. ArrayList edge = new ArrayList () for(int i = 0; i < total; ++i) { if(image[i] > threshold) addEdgePixel(i); // …… } edges = new ArrayList >(); edged.add(edge);

19 Segmentation: Edge Formation Geometric Descriptors: (1) (1)List of edge pixels. (2) (2)List of line segments. (3) (3)Thining.

20 DWA: Image Analysis (1)Size (2)Color (3)Shape (4)Depth (3D)

21 Image Analysis: Size (1)Registration (2)Calibration (3)Measurement count pixels by region growing

22 DWA: Healing Projection (1)Fit into existing healing trajectories. (2)Numerical results of predication.

23 Image Processing Tools: ITK by Kitware: OpenCV: OpenCV application in robotics:

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