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Be aware the principles underpinning the KS4 Curriculum Model for 2016 along with the external influences in decision making.. Understand the principles.

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Presentation on theme: "Be aware the principles underpinning the KS4 Curriculum Model for 2016 along with the external influences in decision making.. Understand the principles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Be aware the principles underpinning the KS4 Curriculum Model for 2016 along with the external influences in decision making.. Understand the principles and mechanics of IAG at UCC. Be aware of the chronology of the process. Have a ‘good’ knowledge of available resources and supporting information for guidance. Understand the role of data to supplement aspiration and preference to inform choice.



4 A balanced curriculum There has been a clear necessity to retain the full spectrum of courses and qualifications that are currently available to all students, but with a strong need to refine the curricular structure and ‘pathways’ for our students. This will require a continued focus on:- Information & Guidance This is incorporated into the pastoral system giving the form tutor (with guidance & support) the ownership and role of impartially guiding their students through the option process ensuring a programme of study which is appropriate to their abilities, aptitudes and aspirations. Academic Academic / Vocational Level 1 / Entry Level

5 Rationale for change to the curriculum model in Key Stage 4! Depth of Study (To enable us to have the breadth of study in the KS 4 curriculum … some core and all options subjects at GCSE/L2/L1 are delivering on 4 hours per fortnight). Number of Qualifications (Too many for the more able and too few for the less academic students… Study plus & Level 1) English and Maths (A continued increased focus on these two subjects with the need for increase teaching (for all students) time due to Lang/Lit and ‘double’ maths). Vocational Subjects (The Wolf report’s recommendations regarding vocational courses changed the face of Vocational courses that have accreditation and equivalence and has resulted in a review and substantial remodelling of these courses and BTEC has survived but !!). Personalised programme (Individual students in the current Year 9 ?? ). New Measures (Progress 8 is upon us in the coming year with the increased focus on breadth and the infamous ‘middle bucket’ !!...Please see next slide).



8 RECAP Rationale for change ! A balanced curriculum (Depth / Breadth / Number and range of Quals) The continued focus on the ‘Basics’ (E/m) Changing face of Vocational Subjects New measures (Progress 8 / Basics pass rate) Personalised programme


10 Information & Guidance Week CommencingYear 9 A5 th Oct Year 9 Tutors Meeting with NJE/SC (Thursday 8 th Oct Periods 4 & 5… Conference Room) B12 th OctLead Assembly (Key Stage 4 Options) (Fri 16 th Oct) A19 th OctYear 9 Data Entry (1v1 Information & Guidance commences) HOL26 th Oct Autumn Half Term Holiday B2 nd NovTutor – Student (Information and Guidance) Report Open A9 th Nov Tutor – Student (Information and Guidance) B16 th NovTutor – Student (Information and Guidance) A23 rd NovTutor – Student (Information and Guidance) B30 th DecTutor – Student (Information and Guidance) Internal Exams A7 th DecTutor – Student (Information and Guidance) Report Home B14 th DecRoute Ticket complete and Letter Posted Home (Options Eve) HOL18 th Dec Christmas Holiday A4 th JanYear 9 Data Entry B11 th JanOptions Eve (Futures Evening format) (Tues 12 th January) A18 th Jan1v1 Interviews (Review of Choice & further Guidance) B25 th Jan1v1 Interviews (Review of Choice & further Guidance) A1 st FebParents Evening 4 th Feb (Subject Departments / IAG Team / Pastoral Staff) B8 th FebOptions Form Return Deadline HOL15 th FebFebruary Half Term A22 nd FebDepartmental Consultation B29 th FebDepartmental Consultation A7 th March1v1 Further Required Guidance (Tutor/HOY) B14 th MarchYear 10 Options Complete (Letter to parents with confirmed courses and level) A21 st MarchData Entry HOL25 th MarchFebruary Half Term

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