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Animated slideshow for using the self-evaluation instrument. Familiarize yourself with the interface and the different functions of the online application.

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Presentation on theme: "Animated slideshow for using the self-evaluation instrument. Familiarize yourself with the interface and the different functions of the online application."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animated slideshow for using the self-evaluation instrument. Familiarize yourself with the interface and the different functions of the online application. (Click here to continue )

2 EduPlan Welcome to the home page of EduPlan website Please select your language

3 Type your loginname and paswword into the connexion area… … then click on « Login ».

4 A User guide is available to help you to start using the Eduplan tool (*.pdf file to be downloaded by clicking on the icon).

5 When you are ready to input your data ? Click on the « Evaluation » tab.

6 Choose a scenario based on one of three roles you may hold in the training course: Learner ? Trainer ? Provider ? Then click on the icon that corresponds to it. Learner Trainer Provider

7 What do you want to do ?  Start a new data entry : click here  Modifiy or add a data entry : click here  Print the entered questionnaire : click here  Remove a full input : click here Learner Trainer Provider

8 The 4 steps of quality management The main topics evaluated on each step The evaluation criteria And level of achievement

9 For each evaluation criteria, move the cursor on the scale of values regarding to the level reached!

10 The level reached gets readable on the attached graph.

11 Once all the criteria for the main topic are filled, the graph on the bottom of the page gives an average level of achievement for the topic.

12 In case you’re not able to evaluate the purposed criteria, thick the box « I cannot answer this question » and indicate what motivates you to no decision. I have no idea about it.

13 You can also add comments to your evaluation on the criteria by clicking on [Comment].

14 Type then your comment in this area. You can indicate in this area all the extra information you’d need to add.

15 You can access a glossary for the words in grey dotted underline by pointing the cursor on it (without clicking)

16 A window opens then whithin the definition from the glossary inside.

17 The graphs on the right side of the page will show both representations simultaneously. To compare your current evaluation with a previous one, sélect in the frame on the left bottom of the page the date on wich you want to compare, by clickin on the icon (appears in green while selected )

18 « Reporting » section. Comparative analysis and reports.

19 In order to edit and print the various analysis reports generated by the online tool, click on the « reporting » tab. Provider Trainer Learner

20 Within EduPlan, get your analysis of comparative assessments from several angles: - Your answers compared to former inquiries, - Your answers compared to the reference group (data from German, French, Irish, Swiss and Rusian EduPlan users), - The discrepancies between the data entered by the different type of users (Learner/Trainer, Trainer/Provider, Provider/Trainer). Please choose in the left navigation what You want to do

21 Thank you for your interest in Eduplan.

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