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Yellow Journalism How newspapers caused the Spanish-American War.

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1 Yellow Journalism How newspapers caused the Spanish-American War

2 Cuba’s Status By 1897, American entrepreneurs had invested millions in sugar cane plantations in Cuba, which was still an imperial territory of Spain. Cuban rebels fought for independence.

3 Spain’s Crackdown Spanish General Valeriano Weyler responded brutally, causing the deaths of tens of thousands of Cubans. Some Americans supported the Cuban rebels because they identified with their fight for independence. Other Americans supported Spain because they hoped they could end the conflict quickly.

4 In 1898, two large American newspaper publishers were competing for readership:  William Randolph Hearst, New York Journal  Joseph Pulitzer, New York World U.S. Newspapers

5 Newspaper profits were based on two things: Selling papers Via subscriptions Customers paying in advance to receive newspapers on a regular basis Via newsstands Customers purchasing newspapers individually after they’re printed Selling advertisements How could newspapers increase profits?

6 De Lome Letter The Cubans intercepted a letter from Spain’s ambassador to the US (Enrique Dupuy de Lome), in which he called President McKinley weak and stupid. Cuban rebels leaked the letter to Hearst who published it in the Journal.

7 Sinking of the USS Maine Shortly after the letter’s publication, the USS Maine exploded while stationed in Havana harbor in Cuba 266 of 350 men on board were killed

8 New York Journal

9 New York World

10 The explosion was most likely caused by an accident aboard the ship, but at the time it was believed to have been caused by explosive mines. Historians today now credit the “Yellow Press” with being largely responsible for the Spanish-American War.

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