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windWaterSolar Nuclear Mag-Lev Fossil Fuels What is Sustainability? Example: Energy that provides for us without hurting the environment or ourselves.

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Presentation on theme: "windWaterSolar Nuclear Mag-Lev Fossil Fuels What is Sustainability? Example: Energy that provides for us without hurting the environment or ourselves."— Presentation transcript:


2 windWaterSolar Nuclear Mag-Lev Fossil Fuels

3 What is Sustainability? Example: Energy that provides for us without hurting the environment or ourselves is sustainable. Energy that requires chemicals or gasses that are bad for the environment are not sustainable. What is Sustainability? Example: Energy that provides for us without hurting the environment or ourselves is sustainable. Energy that requires chemicals or gasses that are bad for the environment are not sustainable.

4 Water/hydro What is it and where does it come from?

5 What is Hydro energy and where does it come from? Hydro energy is water energy. The water in some rivers is strong enough to push strong turbines under water. It is very much like wind energy, only it’s using water rather then air. When the river flows, and as it flows it turns turbines under the water. They would have a rotor hooked up to that, and a generator hooked up to that. Then you get electricity.

6 Is it sustainable? Yes, Hydro is very sustainable. But when you put up a dam (which is like a wall) to catch the water flowing, one side may get flooded and the other side will get almost no water from the river at all! This change in the water on the land would force animals out of their homes because there is either not enough water or too much water.

7 What is solar energy, and is it sustainable?

8 Solar energy is when you take the sun and converts the rays it shines onto earth into energy. It uses big black solar panels to soak up the sun’s heat. If you want to know what a solar panel looks like, then you can ask your friend or family member if they have a solar calculator you can borrow. Except for the fact that solar panels cost lots of money, solar energy is quite sustainable. It doesn’t leave bad gasses or chemicals when you use it, and so it is environmentally friendly. But you’d need a whole lot to power a small town.

9 What are fossil fuels and how are they used?

10 There are three basic types of fossil fuels; coal, oil and natural gas. All three were formed many hundreds of millions of years ago, before during the time of the dinosaurs. Hence the name fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are made from decomposed plant and animal matter, and is used to fuel cars as it is very easy to burn and it burns fast. Oil is used to make plastic products, such as cups, pens, plastic forks, anything at all you can imagine that is plastic, coal is used for fuel and so is natural gas. Fossil fuels are not very sustainable at all… and it is running out very quickly. It is running out because more and more people are using it to fuel their cars, make plastic etc. Plastic is used for almost everything and people aren’t recycling it, and people in Canada almost never use non-gas fueled vehicles. And the plastics are getting thrown into the rivers and lakes, and the gas is floating up into our atmosphere and wrecking the ozone layer. That is where the mag-lev energy comes in handy.

11 Wind Energy What is it and where does it come from?

12 What is wind energy Wind itself is just when hot air from the ground and cold air from the sky collide, because heat rises and cold sinks, they meet somewhere in the middle. This causes a high pressure called wind. We can take advantage of this kind of energy. We use a wind turbine to catch the air. A blade acts much like an airplane wing. When the wind blows, a pocket of low- pressure air forms on the downwind side of the blade. The low-pressure air pocket then pulls the blade toward it, causing the rotor to turn. This is called lift. The force of the lift is actually much stronger than the wind's force against the front side of the blade, which is called drag. The combination of lift and drag causes the rotor to spin like a propeller, and the turning shaft spins a generator to make electricity. Wind itself is just when hot air from the ground and cold air from the sky collide, because heat rises and cold sinks, they meet somewhere in the middle. This causes a high pressure called wind. We can take advantage of this kind of energy. We use a wind turbine to catch the air. A blade acts much like an airplane wing. When the wind blows, a pocket of low- pressure air forms on the downwind side of the blade. The low-pressure air pocket then pulls the blade toward it, causing the rotor to turn. This is called lift. The force of the lift is actually much stronger than the wind's force against the front side of the blade, which is called drag. The combination of lift and drag causes the rotor to spin like a propeller, and the turning shaft spins a generator to make electricity.

13 Sustainability

14 Wind energy, though totally environmentally friendly, does take up al lot of space and can cost LOTS of money. does take up al lot of space and can cost LOTS of money. Should we use wind energy as a main source of electricity in Canada? I would think it would be a good idea, being in Canada? I would think it would be a good idea, being environmentally friendly, but we don’t get that much wind in Canada. Maybe a few parts, but not a lot. And It would take up a lot of space and cost lots of money.

15 Mag-lev–- what is it and is it sustainable?

16 Maglev is a very sustainable source of energy because it would never really run out for a thousand years, and maybe more. It is a very good source of transportation, also, because it doesn’t use gasses at all, you can go on over and over again, it is very fast, and it is quite often in the air, held up by poles and so it doesn’t take up much space on the ground.

17 Maglev technology employs powerful superconducting magnets to levitate or "float" cars about 2 inches above a guideway. It is normally used in special trains, and they can go very fast. This kind of technology isn’t used very much in Canada, but it is used quite often in Europe.

18 What is Nuclear energy, and is it sustainable?

19 What is nuclear energy and is it sustainable? Nuclear energy comes mostly from the Uranium atoms in a special, somewhat rare rock called Uranium ore. Pure Uranium is extracted from the rock and used to fuel nuclear power plants. Nuclear energy comes mostly from the Uranium atoms in a special, somewhat rare rock called Uranium ore. Pure Uranium is extracted from the rock and used to fuel nuclear power plants. Nuclear energy can be reasonably inexpensive. It also makes very little air pollution. Unfortunately, NUCLEAR ENERGY produces RADIOACTIVITY, a form of energy that poses dangers to living things. Nuclear energy can be reasonably inexpensive. It also makes very little air pollution. Unfortunately, NUCLEAR ENERGY produces RADIOACTIVITY, a form of energy that poses dangers to living things. To understand the risks of nuclear energy, we need to know that uranium is radioactive, which means that it constantly gives off energy in the form of radiation. When plants, animals, or people are exposed to too much radiation, they can be burned, become sick, or even die. When uranium is mined, the leftover bits of uranium at the mine are harmful to plants and animals in the area, and pollute the soil and water. Therefore it isn’t very sustainable.

20 That’s all! thank you for listening to our presentation.

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