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Monday, Dec. 1st Day 2 Agenda Science Starters Sheet 2- Fill out your Agenda. 4- Read your AR Book. 1. Please have these items on your desk. AR Book 3-

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, Dec. 1st Day 2 Agenda Science Starters Sheet 2- Fill out your Agenda. 4- Read your AR Book. 1. Please have these items on your desk. AR Book 3-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, Dec. 1st Day 2 Agenda Science Starters Sheet 2- Fill out your Agenda. 4- Read your AR Book. 1. Please have these items on your desk. AR Book 3- Science Starter: Answer with at least 3 complete sentences: What do you know about stars? What would you like to learn about stars?

2 Learning Goals Read the goals for our current unit. Rate your current knowledge/understanding using the 0-4 scale: ScaleDescription: 4 I CAN GO BEYOND what’s been taught to make connections with my “real life” or other topics that I know about. 3I understand ALL of the information or ideas; I can do this. 2I can understand and/or know how to do MOST of the things listed. 1I can recognize, recall, or know how to do SOME of the things listed. 0Even with help, I DON’T KNOW or can’t do these things.

3 Get out your notebook. Add information to your NBToC: Page #DateActivity/Assignment: 9112/1Stars Learning Goals 93 12/1“Life Cycle of Stars” DO NOT SET UP THE PAGE FOR NOTES! 1 2 If you have colored pencils or crayons (NOT markers!) please have them on your desk. 3

4 12/1 “Life Cycle of Stars” A Star is Born… ●A __________ is a large cloud of _______ and _______. ● Stars ________ ______ ______ as parts of ______________. ●All stars are huge spheres of ______ ____. ● Each star goes through a ______ ______ and eventually _______. glowing gas life cycledies nebulas gasdustnebula begin their lives

5 Orion Nebula

6 Great Carina Nebula ( Not visible in Northern Hemisphere)

7 Witch head nebula Rigel

8 Lagoon Nebula

9 Nebula: visible light


11 Nebula: radio waves Hubble Image Gallery

12 Stop and color!

13 ●A star is born when the ________________ gas and dust become so hot that _________ ________ starts. ● __________ pulls the gas and dust together. ●A __________ star gives off _______ and ______. Gravity nuclear fusion mature contracting light heat You tube video

14 ● The ____ ____ a star has, the __________ it burns out. ●___ _____ the star lasts depends upon ___ __________ it is. how massive faster How long more mass



17 Death of a Low- or Medium Mass Star… ●Outer layers __________ to become a ____ _____ ● Star begins to run out of __________. fuel expand “Red Giant”

18 ● Outer layers ____ ___ ______, forming a “ __________ ___________ ” planetary nebuladrift into space Cat’s Eye 4

19 Cat’s Eye Nebula

20 Helix Nebula- Infrared

21 Ring Nebula- Planetary Nebula ~2,000 light years away

22 NGC 2813

23 Eskimo Nebula

24 Stop and color!

25 ●Over __________ of years, it cools more and becomes a “__________ dwarf” ● The blue-white __________ of the star cools to become a “__________ __________ ” core white dwarf billions black

26 White Dwarf

27 Death of a High-Mass Star… ● They may suddenly ________. This is called a “___________”. ● When these stars begin to ___ __ __ ___, they become “Red __________ ___________ ” Super Giants explodeSupernova run out of fuel

28 1987A; 4 days with unaided eye; months using telescopes.




32 Hourglass Nebula

33 Crab Nebula 1084; 28 days during daytime animation

34 Cassiopeia Supernova

35 Supernova SN 2008ha Discovered by a 14 year old girl from New York.

36 Stop and color!

37 ● Some material may form a __________. nebula Swan nebula

38 ●The _______ of the core may form a “ ___________ Star” Very small and __________ ; emits ____________ and radio waves. Neutron denseradiation remains To make something as dense as a neutron star on Earth, you would have to take all the people in the world and squeeze them into a raindrop!

39 These have such _____ ______ that even __________ can not escape. ● OR the remains may form a “ _________ _______ ”Black Hole lightstrong gravity

40 Black Hole Sombrero Galaxy

41 Black Holes vs. Neutron Stars

42 Complete the Venn diagram that compares/contrasts high-mass stars and low/medium mass stars. Low/Medium Mass StarsHigh Mass Stars

43 Things to do: Glue these items to your notebook: Pg. 91- Stars Learning Goals Pg. 92- Life Cycle of Stars Diagram Pg. 93-Life Cycle of Stars Notes

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