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Page 1 MIRAC3-BLINC Magellan results MIRAC4-BLINC plans Static and Deformable Secondaries Phil Hinz and Bill Hoffmann Steward Observatory Giovanni Fazio.

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1 MIRAC3-BLINC Magellan results MIRAC4-BLINC plans Static and Deformable Secondaries Phil Hinz and Bill Hoffmann Steward Observatory Giovanni Fazio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Page 1 MIRAC3-BLINC Magellan results MIRAC4-BLINC plans Static and Deformable Secondaries Phil Hinz and Bill Hoffmann Steward Observatory Giovanni Fazio CfA


3 Page 3 MIRAC-BLINC has been in routine use for mid-IR observations with the MMT and Magellan since June 2000. MIRAC-BLINC at the MMT and Magellan Telescopes from N. Smith et al., 2002

4 Page 4 mid-IR experience at LCO We have experienced a broad range of conditions which suggest the site can be reasonable for thermal IR work, but it is not uncommon for good optical conditions which are unusable in the infrared. Observing RunλSky (% blackbody)Method Aug. 200110.33%diff. airmass “11.70.6%“ 18.09%“ April 200211.73%“ May 2002unusable? (but clear) Aug. 2002? March 200310.6~8-19%(on-off telescope) 11.7~4-15%

5 Page 5 MIRAC3-BLINC Magellan Science Results constraints of cold dust in eta Carinae (Smith ApJL 2002, AJ 2003) measured size of dust disk in Cen A (Korovska et al. ApJL 2003) observed Galactic center to look for X-ray IR flare correlations (Baganoff et al.) Constrained the existence of warm dust in young stars in Tucanae-Horologium (Mamajek et al. ApJ 2004) measured size and found gap in HD 100546 with nulling (Liu et al. ApJL 2002) Observed sizes of nearby Herbig AE disks to help constrain disk evolution. (Liu et al. in prep)

6 Page 6 MIR Excess Emission: Probing Remnant Disks 0.3-1 AU over time... Mamajek et al. have observed a sample of young stars of the Tucanae-Horologium moving group looking for photometric evidence of warm debris material.

7 Page 7 HD 100546: A young Solar System? Constructive Null ε Mus HD 100546 Disk approximately 25 AU in diameter. Inclination and PA are consistent with NIR scattered light images (Augureau et al., Pantin et al.) Disk similar in size at 11 microns and 24.5 microns. Consistent with an inner hole? (Bouwman et al.) 10.3 microns (~silicates) 11.7 microns (~PAH) 12.5 microns (continuum) position angle null

8 Page 8 Press Release from MIRAC- Magellan data

9 Page 9 MIRAC4 Specifications Diffraction limited 8-25 micron imaging using a 256x256 Si:As array Camera backend for BLINC nuller Change in magnification of 2x Grism spectroscopy capability Mechanical cooling

10 Page 10 MIRAC4 Optical design high magnification low magnification UseFieldNyquistFieldNyquist MIRAC-BLINC at f/11 19” 4.5  m 38” 9.1  m MIRAC at f/1134” 8.1  m 68” 16.2  m MIRAC-BLINC at f/15 14” 3.3  m 28” 6.7  m

11 Page 11

12 Page 12 MIRAC4 Schedule We plan to carry out AO imaging and nulling interferometry using MIRAC4- BLINC on the MMT through 2007. MIRAC4-BLINC will be available for campaign observations on Magellan starting in 2007. Available for permanent Magellan installation once IRIS is available on the MMT and LBTI is completed (estimated to be mid-2008).

13 Page 13 MIRAC4 status Optics have been manufactured and received. Vacuum case and internal mechanisms are being completed. Mechanical cooler has been ordered and tested Electronics are being completed by FORCAST team (Herter) at Cornell.

14 Page 14 MIRAC4 Status detector translation stage vacuum case and radiation shields PT refrigerator housing Mirror cells, and aperture wheel

15 Page 15 Where can Magellan make the most impact for IR observations? Challenges for a static system: Gemini has an IR-optimized system with measured emissivity of 2%. T-RECS is available on Gemini and has demonstrated 0.1 mJy noise level at N band in an hour. Opportunities for a deformable secondary: GENIE, the VLT nuller is a technology demonstrator planned for 3-5 micron observations. Thus, no southern searches for zodiacal dust are currently being planned. The southern hemisphere has several nearby, young moving groups which may turn out to be the ideal objects for more detailed studies of how disks assemble into planets. An IR-optimized AO system could provide the key advantage in IR observations, especially related to planet formation.

16 Page 16 Mid-Infrared Science at Magellan Similar science to the MIRAC3 campaigns could continue to be carried out with MIRAC4-BLINC at f/11. A sensitivity improvement will be achieved with an IR-optimized f/15 secondary A deformable secondary could enable unique mid-IR science in the hemisphere and position Magellan well for future improvements.

17 Page 17 5 micron observations of Vega with the MMTAO system PSF level PSF subtraction and unsharp mask 10 M J 5 M J Keck K band limit Macintosh et al. ) Palomar H band limit (Metchev et al.) 20 M J 30 M J fake 10 Jupiter mass planet at 20 AU

18 Page 18 Detection of Warm Debris Disks HR 4796A Cloud density (zodis) Flux in nulled output of (mJy) dust around an A0 star F0 star G0 star K0 star M0 star β Pictoris ξ Lep Stellar flux Nulled stellar flux Vega BLINC MMT Observation Spitzer is currently allowing us to probe the Kuiper belt equivalents around nearby stars. The warmer material, if much below ~3000 zodis is undectectable without spatial resolution. mid-IR AO and a modest baseline could allow the detection of dust down to 10-100 zodis.

19 Page 19 Backup Slides

20 Page 20 telescope beam reimaging ellipsoid beam-splitter 2 μm detector 10 micron detector imaging “channel” nulling “channel” Cryo-Mechanical Design

21 Page 21 HD 100546 Disk Structure Protoplanetary disk model has a temperature gradient due to stellar heating and accretion A gap in the disk would cause a lack of emission from hot dust. Typical Protoplanetary disk modelHD 100546 model 10  m emission 20  m emission We expect less 10  m emission due to the gap and a larger size. The size at 20  m for a disk with an inner gap is similar to that at 10  m. The size at 20  m is expected to be roughly 4 times as large as at 10  m. The size of the disk as measured by BLINC at 10 and 20  m is consistent with a ~10 AU gap in the disk caused by a massive protoplanet.

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