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 Understanding plagiarism is important because we need to know how to prevent from plagiarizing. If we don’t know what plagiarism is and we copied some.

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2  Understanding plagiarism is important because we need to know how to prevent from plagiarizing. If we don’t know what plagiarism is and we copied some information and we didn’t meet the requirements to get a way from plagiarism we might get in big trouble in work and school.

3 1. Self Plagiarism - handing in a work you handed in before. 2. Missing footnote -mentions an author’s name for a source, but doesn’t include specific information on the location of the material referenced. 3. Improper paraphrase - changing some words but the work still looks like the original. 4. Ghost writer -turning in other’s work, as if it’s theirs. 5. Copy and paste -copying bits and pieces of one article. 6. Perfect crime - properly quotes and cites sources in some places, but paraphrases other parts of the article from those sources without citation 7. The labor of Laziness - Uses the same effort put in to write an original work to paraphrase words from other websites 8. Style and organization plagiarism - copying and using other people’s style on the work 9. The misinformer -either accidentally or purposely listed down a wrong source. 10. Partial plagiarism -uses 2-3 sites and paraphrases

4  Professor Madonna G -plagiarized her students  Ward L. Churchill -ghost written

5  Kaavya Viswanathan How Opal Mehta Got kissed, Got Wild, Got a life. › The book had similarities to novels by Megan McCafferty. › Book was pulled from publication  Timothy S. Goeglein 20 of the 38 stories he wrote for the News- Sentinel (Indiana) › Copied from internet without citing them › Resigned from white house

6  College Student › plagiarizing a paper › she didn’t cite or paraphrase correctly › Expelled from the University

7  George Harrison’s ‘My Sweet Lord’ › plagiarized “He’s So Fine” recorded by the Chiffons › Paid $587,000

8  Bollywood movies › Copied Hollywood movies

9  Plagiarism can be avoided by not copying other people’s ideas and making them look like yours.  There are several websites that can check plagiarism such as  If you really want to put in that person’s idea, put quotation marks and reference it so that people know that it’s not your idea.

10  So now you know that plagiarism is “using other people’s work and ideas as though it’s your own”, and you also learned 10 types of plagiarism. You also learned that when you grow up and plagiarize, there will be Sevier consequences. Not like now when you either get detention, calling your parents and tell them that you’ve plagiarized etc, but getting fired or and maybe fined.

11 1. 2. hurchill/index.html?scp=1&sq=teachers%20fired%20for%20plagiaris m&st=cse hurchill/index.html?scp=1&sq=teachers%20fired%20for%20plagiaris m&st=cse 3 and 4. plagiarism/real-world-examples.html plagiarism/real-world-examples.html 5. infringment.html infringment.html 6. list-of.html list-of.html

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