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Your Cheatin’ Heart,Part 1: Tools To Prevent Plagiarism Co-Presented by Daniel Bradford and Ellen Bell (because with two people you can blame the other.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Cheatin’ Heart,Part 1: Tools To Prevent Plagiarism Co-Presented by Daniel Bradford and Ellen Bell (because with two people you can blame the other."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Cheatin’ Heart,Part 1: Tools To Prevent Plagiarism Co-Presented by Daniel Bradford and Ellen Bell (because with two people you can blame the other person if things go wrong)

2 TURNITIN.COM WHY should teachers use

3 Because… offers a fast, student-centered way to 1.Encourage academic honesty 2.Check student papers for plagiarism

4 REMEMBER… Student plagiarism is rampant. Almost 80% of all college students admit to cheating at least once. We need to teach students about plagiarism now--eventually, they WILL get caught and may suffer serious consequences.

5 Who can use ALL TEACHERS--not just English and Social Studies. Writing should be taught across the curriculum and teachers in every subject area can and should use this system.

6 Our Goals For Today What we WILL do today: 1.Register for an account 2.Create a class and an assignment 3.Learn how to submit papers to the system 4.Learn how to interpret Originality Reports

7 What We Will NOT Do We will NOT explore EVERY function of Our goal today is to get you started on the BASICS of the system and then build on that. You WILL be ready to start using the MAIN function on Day One of school!

8 What IS.. A tool to help teach students about plagiarism. A tool to help instructors assess the originality of student work.

9 What is NOT A “I Gotcha!” tool. If you have to fail a large number of students for plagiarism, then you’ve been using in the wrong way. We are trying to prevent plagiarism, not catch it!

10 TIPS 1.Always write down all of your account #s and passwords. 2.Show students how works, including a sample Originality Report 3.Give students who have “bad reports” a chance to revise and make the work their own.

11 Materials You Should Have 1.Instructor’s Quickstart Guide 2.Student’s Quickstart Guide 3.Worksheet

12 Overview (Key Questions) 1.Who submits the papers? 2.How long does it take to get an Originality Report? 3.How secret are instructor passwords? 4.Will catch all plagiarism? 5.Helpful tips (wait for these…)

13 Who submits the papers? Students do! There’s no need for teachers to upload hundreds of papers when students can do it in less than a minute!

14 How long does it take to see the Originality Reports? is very fast--most Originality Reports appear in less than a minute, and almost always in less than a few minutes.

15 How secret are admin/instructor passwords? VERY SECRET! NEVER GIVE THEM TO STUDENTS OR EVEN TO TEACHER’S ASSISTANTS! Students have separate “join class” passwords that give them very limited access. You can also create a separate password for T.A. access.

16 Will Catch All Cheating? NO, but… It does search all of the “paper purchasing sites”, Google, and its own database of papers. It will catch even substantial revisions-- changing every other word in a Wikipedia article STILL raises a “red flag”.

17 Ok, let’s get started… Step 1 Go to the website TURNITIN.COM

18 STEP 2 Register as a user! 1.Click on “new users” 2.Select “instructor” as USER TYPE 3.Enter the account number and password for YOUR SCHOOL.

19 Step 2 FOOTHILL HIGH SCHOOL Account14888 Passwordezfalcons1 AMADOR VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL Account Password


21 Step 4 Select a “secret question” only you can answer in case you forget your password!

22 Step 5 Create a user profile by entering your first and last name. On the following page, click on “agree”. NOW we are ready to start the Class Setup Wizard!

23 Submitting a Student Paper We will create a class called “Sample Class”. We will create an assignment called “Chelsea Clinton”. We will register a student called “Fake Student” with the email We will submit a paper for that student and then view the Originality Report.

24 More Key Questions 1.What do the percentage matches/colors means on the Originality Reports? 2.Can students see their reports? 3.How many assignments can I have for a class?

25 Originality Reports Blue and green = Generally OK Yellow = A judgment call (you have to look at what parts matched) Orange and red = Not an original paper

26 Can students see their reports? YES, if you decide you want them to see the reports. There’s a box you check when you create a class that asks you if you want students to see their reports.

27 How many assignments can I have for each class? There’s no limit, but remember to delete classes or assignments at the end of a semester or at the end of the year.

28 Conclusion There are many advanced features of that we haven’t touched on today. If you have questions, please contact either Ellen Bell or Daniel Bradford. This PowerPoint presentation is online at the Foothill High Website.Foothill High Website

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