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Modern Language Association (MLA) Research Style.

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Presentation on theme: "Modern Language Association (MLA) Research Style."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modern Language Association (MLA) Research Style

2 Why Use MLA Style? Consistent format across institutions Gives reader a roadmap to follow Makes clear connections between your thoughts and the research that is already out there Gives you credibility as a writer  Protects you from plagiarism

3 Elements of MLA Style Paper Format Works Cited Page In-text Citations

4 MLA Paper Format

5 12 point font, Times New Roman 1” margins all around – double check! Everything is double-spaced Header has your last name and page number against right margin First line of each new paragraph is indented

6 MLA Paper Format First page has title, centered, same font and size as the rest of the paper First page also has heading in top left (not in header) with Your name Instructor’s name Course Date

7 Sample First Page

8 MLA Works Cited Page

9 Works Cited Page Last page of your paper Provides publication information for all the works you have cited in your paper Alphabetical by the first word in the entry Works Cited centered at top Is numbered like the rest of the paper Uses the hanging indent – first line flush with left margin; subsequent lines indented

10 Sample Works Cited Page

11 Works Cited Entries Book with single author Tan, Amy. The Bonesetter’s Daughter. New York: Putnam, 2001. Print.

12 Works Cited Entries Entire Web site Peterson, Susan Lynn. The Life of Martin Luther. Susan Lynn Peterson, 2005. Web. 24 Jan. 2009.

13 Works Cited Entries Work from a database service (such as NC Live) Barrera, Rebeca María. "A Case for Bilingual Education." Scholastic Parent and Child Nov.-Dec. 2004: 72-73. ProQuest Central. Web. 1 Feb. 2009.

14 MLA In-text Citations

15 In-Text Citations Anytime you make a connection to someone else’s idea, you MUST include a parenthetical citation to indicate where that idea can be found. Includes at least the page number. If you don’t mention the author’s name in your sentence, the parentheses also have the author’s last name, then page number.

16 Sample In-Text Citations

17 In-Text Citations ANY borrowed material MUST have a citation. This includes  Direct quotations  Paraphrases  Summaries  This is where you protect yourself from plagiarism! 

18 Special Quotations Quotations longer than four lines Indented 10 spaces, keep double- spacing, no quotation marks needed, period goes BEFORE citation. Leaving words out of a quotation Use points of ellipsis to show where the words were Changing a word in a quotation Use brackets to indicate change

19 Resources A Writer’s Reference (your handbook!) LAC Your instructor Purdue OWL -

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