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Pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome (PIH)

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Presentation on theme: "Pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome (PIH)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome (PIH)

2 pathogenesis The factors of PIH
the theories of pathogenesis A utero-placental ischemia theory B Neuro-endocrine theory C immunological theory(ABO;HLA) D DIC theory E others : endothelin(ET--内皮素) calcium shorting

3 Pathophysiologic changes
Widespread arteriolar spasm three main symptoms: hypertension proteinuria edema

4 Pathologic changes in main organs ①
Brain : localized and spot hemorrhage (局灶性,点状出血) thrombosis (栓塞) softening (软化) heart : fibrin thrombi (纤维栓塞) focal necrosis (灶性坏死)

5 Pathologic changes in main organs ②
Liver : periportal hemorrhagic necrosis (门脉周围出血坏死) kidneys : placenta : atherosclerosis IUGR--intrauterine growth retardation (宫内发育迟缓)


7 Classification of PIH syndrome

8 unclassification Edema : edema spreading to the thighs or above
proteinueia : (+) or more chronic hypertension

9 Clinical findings Mild PIH syndrome moderate PIH syndrome
severe PIH syndrome prepartal eclampsia (产前子痫) partal eclampsia ( 产时子痫) postpartal eclampsia (产后子痫)

10 diagnosis History hypertension proteinuria sign edema symptom
convulsion , coma blood examination assistant liver and renal functions examination funduscopy of eyes others

11 Differential diagnosis
Essential hypertension and chronic nephritis convulsive disorders

12 Influence on mother and fetus
HELLP syndrome hemolysis( 溶血) elevated liver enzymes(肝酶升高) low platelet count(血小板减少) On fetus :

13 Prevention The prenatal care in time adequate nutrition and rest
the predetective diagnosis : mean arterial blood pressure roll over test blood variation calcium amount in urine

14 Management Mild cases A rest B diet C medication : phnobarbital (苯巴比妥)

15 Moderate and severe cases 
A antiseptic medicine magnesium sulfate(硫酸镁) B sedative drugs hibernation mixture I(冬眠1号) diazepam C antihypertensive drugs D expansive volume treatment albumin (白蛋白) plasma (血浆) whole blood(全血)

16 Moderate and severe cases 
E Diuretics: furosemide (速尿) 20% mannitol (甘露醇) F Termination of pregnancy a indications : b methods : induction of labor (引产) cesarean section(剖宫产) G The management of eclampsia a controlling convulsion b nursing c closely monitoring


18 病 例 张平,女,36岁,以“停经九个月,胎动五个月,双下肢浮肿两周,头晕眼花一小时。”为主诉入院。早孕反应及胎动如期出现,两周前无明显诱因双下肢浮肿,休息后无好转。一小时前出现头晕眼花。既往无高血压,慢性肾炎病史。 查体:T36.7℃,P78次/分,BP175/110mmHg, 心肺听诊无异常,腹膨隆,足月腹型,LOA,浮肿+++。 实验室检查:血常规示PL258G/L,HGB108g / L,HCT0.45。尿常规示蛋白+++。 辅助检查:B超示BPD9.0cm,FL7.2cm,胎盘钙化Ⅱ级。NST有反应型。


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