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Presentation on theme: "JUNIOR COACH CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATION ITALY 2013."— Presentation transcript:



3 The directions identified primarily relate to : The possibility of integration into the labour market ( both as peer coaches / trainers, and as authors / artists ); The perception of one’s own artistic and professional identity ; The management of the artistic / educational project as expendable and replicable structure.

4 To enhance the understanding of contemporary artistic culture as a field of organic and interconnected disciplines, skills, sensitivity. At both a theoretical and practical level : the contexts in which the JC have the greatest chance to be operational are characterised by a transdisciplinary condition.

5 Two levels of action : one that could be called " explicit” another of more interstitial character, in line with the practices of non-formal education.

6 All professionals involved are cultural entrepreneurs rooted in Florence and Tuscany, with activities even beyond regional and national borders. All operate in the encounter between cross-disciplinary arts practice and education, with own companies or within acknowledged centres able to attract public and private funding.

7 The coordination group conducted a more pervasive operation. Specific actions have been aimed at : maintaining a high critical judgment on oneself, on one’s colleagues and on the coaches ; arousing awareness on personal responsibility on one’s own path and toward others ; clarifying the definition of one’s objectives and the usability of one’s projects.

8 In specific relation to the JCC, with regard to the areas already identified according to the Blueprint developed in the pilot project Academy, the points for new application can be summarized as follows :

9 1. Expert knowledge / artistic and medial competencies : is able to broaden the horizon of knowledge to other disciplines, with basic elements of the various languages ​​ and of creative culture in general ; can develop an understanding of contemporary issues that is also social, economic, political and pedagogical.

10 2. Teaching / coaching competencies and skills : is able to analyse and understand the conditions under which he / she operates, to identify critical factors and demands of the trainees in relation to the place where he / she acts ( school, education center, artistic institution, festival, etc ), and the expectations of the " customers ";

11 2. Teaching / coaching competencies and skills : is able to adapt swiftly his / her educational project and to reshape it accordingly to the changed contexts ( social, logistical, etc.) is able to transform emergencies and / or unexpected conditions into educational opportunities.

12 4. Lifelong learning competencies : is able to assume and transform for his / her needs skills, tools, and procedures acquired in other disciplines.

13 5. Business / professional competencies : has analysis tools for understanding the labour market ( both with respect to artistic and to educational practice ); in particular, is able to recognise the target audience for his / her professional level and to exploit the latter as much as possible ;

14 5. Business / professional competencies : has the basic skills to design an artistic / educational project, structured according to the practice required at local and international level ;

15 5. Business / professional competencies : has adequate language and relational skills for the dialogue and relationship with professional contacts at different levels, both in the start-up phase as in the maintenance of the work relation ;

16 5. Business / professional competencies : has the basic skills and proper sense of perspective to complement the artistic / educational project with an adequate financial plan ; in particular, has knowledge of the adequate different standards of compensation for his / her professional services ;

17 5. Business / professional competencies : has the perception of the different type and level of performance required by different stakeholders ( public schools, etc.).





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