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IV. THE DISCIPLES’ PREPARATION BY THE SON OF GOD (13:1 – 16:33) A. THE DISCOURSE IN THE UPPER ROOM (Jn 13:1 – 14:31) 5. The Promise of Residence (14:1-3)

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Presentation on theme: "IV. THE DISCIPLES’ PREPARATION BY THE SON OF GOD (13:1 – 16:33) A. THE DISCOURSE IN THE UPPER ROOM (Jn 13:1 – 14:31) 5. The Promise of Residence (14:1-3)"— Presentation transcript:

1 IV. THE DISCIPLES’ PREPARATION BY THE SON OF GOD (13:1 – 16:33) A. THE DISCOURSE IN THE UPPER ROOM (Jn 13:1 – 14:31) 5. The Promise of Residence (14:1-3) 6. The Way to the Father (14:4-6) 7. The Oneness with the Father (14:7-11) 8. The Performance of Greater Works (14:12-15)

2 9. The Sending of the Holy Spirit (14:16-17) 10. The Pledge of Love (14:18-26) 11. The Bestowment of Peace (14:27-31) a. A Different Peace (v. 27) b. A Different Rejoicing (vv. 28-29) c. A Different Ruler (vv. 30-31) a. A Different Peace (v. 27)  Read Jn 14:27.

3  “Peace” is the customary Jewish greeting and word of farewell. ~ He says that He not only leaves it but gives it.  But we need to understand that Jesus establishes this peace by His atoning death on the cross, by which He brings about reconciliation, first with God and then with men. ~ On one hand this is a “positional peace” – a peace that has put us in a right relationship with God.

4 ~ Rom 5:1 ~ Rom 5:10  But this peace is not just purely objective – it implies the absence of the troubled and fearful feeling. ~ This is, therefore, a peace which secures composure, dissolves fear, guards our hearts and minds against anxiety (Phil 4:7), rules in the hearts of God’s people (Col 3:15).

5  But precisely because of the nature of this peace, Jesus immediately adds, “not as the world gives do I give to you.”  Why? Because the world is powerless to give peace. ~ From God’s perspective and from a biblical viewpoint, any attempt to achieve peace without dealing with the fundamental reasons for strife, are not only ultimately futile but actually inherently detestable to God.

6 ~ Jer 6:13-15  The contrast is seen in both from whom it comes and the nature of the gift itself.  What Jesus gives is His own peace, “My peace” – a transcendent peace. ~ And that peace is to be as characteristic of the coming kingdom as the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

7  But Jesus’ peace would not and does not guarantee the absence of trouble. ~ Instead, Jesus’ peace supplies strength and comfort for the burdens we are called to carry.  TRUE PEACE COMES FROM SURRENDERING ALL TO THE WILL OF GOD. ~ Let Him have His way, let Him solve the problem, then your heart can be at peace.

8  Christians will not find true, lasting peace in the fulfillment of pleasures, in affluence, influence, in the gratification of desires. ~ Instead, they obtain peace through fellowship with God. ~ M. G. Gutzke: “Their peace is within, and the world cannot understand it, nor can it take that peace away.”

9  Everyone wants peace. ~ The world can give a sort of peace – temporary distraction from trouble.  But the peace Jesus offers His disciples is different. ~ The peace that Jesus gives promises inner calm, confidence in God, safety for the soul, sense of direction and purpose, hope within conflicts, certainty of eternal life. ~ It is His peace.

10 ~ Jesus’ peace did not run away from conflict, pain, or death. ~ JESUS DERIVED HIS PEACE FROM HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH THE FATHER.  Here Jesus promised, along with His presence in them, His peace. ~ He also brings this resource to us. ~ Jn 16:33

11  Sin, fear, uncertainty, and doubt are at war within us. ~ Jesus says He will give us His peace if we are willing to accept it from Him.  The Holy Spirit’s work in our lives brings deep and lasting peace. ~ Is your life full of stress? ~ Allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with Christ’s peace.

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