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On-Site Registration /Accreditation Caravan Project Guidelines

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1 On-Site Registration /Accreditation Caravan Project Guidelines
Regional Directors’ Meeting 27 August 2015, DOT Mabuhay Room

2 OUTLINE Background/Rationale Objectives Project Implementers
Program Guidelines/Procedure Tourism Quality Seal Campaign

3 Background and Rationale
In line with the Secretary’s directive to increase the number of accredited tourism establishments, OTSR – SMED formulated a new comprehensive plan to further intensify the Department’s campaign for Accreditation - The On-site Accreditation/ Registration Caravan.

4 Background and Rationale
This caravan shall ensure that all areas of each region can be reached out ensuring that DOT accreditation is extensively promoted among tourism accommodation stakeholders.

5 Objectives To extensively promote DOT Accreditation among tourism accommodation enterprises To establish a registration system for “accreditable” tourism enterprises To identify barriers that hinder tourism accommodation enterprises to apply for DOT Accreditation To solicit insights on DOT Accreditation

6 TRCRG Project Implementers
Standards and Monitoring and Enforcement Division Regional Accreditation Offices With guidance from the Office of the Undersecretary & Assistant Secretary

7 Program Guideline/Procedures
Pre - Survey Registration Activities: OTSR-SMED shall secure a copy of the 2014 accommodation capacity survey with the Office of Tourism Planning Research and Information Management Sector. OTSR-SMED shall provide each Region with the corresponding list of accommodation enterprises in the region (as indicated in the 2014 accommodation capacity survey) and from the list provided, each region shall identify the enterprises which they think may qualify for accreditation with the Department.

8 Program Guideline/Procedures
Pre Survey registration activities: OTSR-SMED shall also provide each Region with the soft copy of OTSR-SMED Registration form No to be used during the survey. Onsite registration/accreditation caravan will be conducted within 2 –month period (September – October 2015) Before the survey, Regional Offices shall submit their itinerary/schedule to OTSR – SMED.

9 OTSR-SMED Registration form No. 007-15

10 OTSR-SMED Registration form No. 007-15

11 OTSR-SMED Registration form No. 007-15

12 OTSR-SMED Registration form No. 007-15

13 OTSR-SMED Registration form No. 007-15

14 Program Guideline/Procedure:
On-Site Survey Registration The Survey team shall proceed with the On site registration/accreditation ensuring that the following information/activity was relayed/done : Properly introduce themselves prior the conduct of audit Purpose and Procedure of the On Site registration/caravan Completion of the DOT-Accreditation Registration Form by the property owner/representative Conduct survey of the property (Survey Checklist included in the Registration form)

15 Program Guideline/Procedure
On-Site Survey Registration : Debriefing Issuance of the Certificate of Recognition Validity of Certificate (until December 31st 2015) Benefits/Incentive of Accredited Properties


17 Post-Survey Registration Activities
The hired project based officer shall prepare a written report of the survey results in the region. The written report shall include the following: List of establishments surveyed issued Recognition certificate with indicative type of accommodation List of the establishments surveyed not issued Recognition certificate with reason for non-issuance of Certificate Summary of feedback and comments solicited

18 Post-Survey Registration Activities
The hired project officer shall encode the information on the Registration Form in the official accreditation website. The Accreditation Officer shall keep record of the username and password of registered entity Remind/update the accreditation officer of registered applications which completed the uploading/submission of needed documentary requirements. Send out reminder notices to establishments to complete all documentary requirements needed.

19 Post-Survey Registration Activities
Accreditation Officer to complete the ocular inspection of those entities able to submit/upload the documents required Accreditation officer to proceed with the regular processing of accreditation & issue accreditation certificate once all requirements have been complied

20 BUDGET BREAKDOWN Regional Offices Allocation (except NCR) : Php 502,800.00


22 TQS ADVERTISEMENT : Regional Offices Budget Allocation – P50,000


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