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Graphics Club Website 2.0 Design Process with Zak Linder.

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Presentation on theme: "Graphics Club Website 2.0 Design Process with Zak Linder."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphics Club Website 2.0 Design Process with Zak Linder

2 Agenda Current Graphics Club Website Where we stand today. User Research What do the people want? New Graphics Club Website Trying to please the people.

3 Current Site

4 User Research — Survey September 2008 Participants: Graphics Club Members Length: Four Questions

5 Question One Never A few times a year A few times a month A few times a week Every day User Research — Survey How often (roughly) do you visit the current Graphics Club site?

6 Question One Never A few times a year A few times a month A few times a week Every day User Research — Survey How often (roughly) do you visit the current Graphics Club site?

7 Question Two — Part 1 User Research — Survey If you do visit the site, what do you look for?

8 Question Two — Part 1 User Research — Survey “Meeting information - Date, time location etc.” “contact info, info about the club, upcoming events and meetings” “I visit to check on workshop updates” If you do visit the site, what do you look for?

9 Question Two — Part 1 User Research — Survey Information about... Events/Workshops Meeting time/place Members If you do visit the site, what do you look for?

10 Question Two — Part 2 User Research — Survey If you don’t visit the site, why not?

11 User Research — Survey “It hasn’t informed me of anything important in four years, and it makes me very sad.” “Had it been updated often, chances are I would have visited more.” Question Two — Part 2 If you don’t visit the site, why not?

12 User Research — Survey Not up to date Unhelpful Didn’t know about it Question Two — Part 2 If you don’t visit the site, why not?

13 Question Three User Research — Survey What would you like to be able to do on the new site?

14 Question Three User Research — Survey Upload work for critique Links to points of interest/reference Blog Submit proposals Calendar of events What would you like to be able to do on the new site?

15 Question Four User Research — Survey Are there any sites you admire or wish the GC site could emulate parts of?

16 New Site Objectives User Research — Conclusion Easy to Update Upload Work for Critique Information about Events, Workshops, Meetings, and Members Resources and Points of Interest

17 And Now... Without further ado... The New Graphics Club Website

18 Inspiration

19 Color Scheme TextPagination Secondary Links Primary Links Background

20 The Grid

21 Complete Comp

22 To the Code!

23 Blank Slate

24 Slicing and Dicing

25 Applying Style





30 Challenges & Compromises Sometimes modifying the code is confusing Dependency on other peoples’ code Typeface availability New ideas not reflected in the comp

31 Future Possibilities More robust critiquing system Personal portfolio pages Public job listings Mailing list integration Candid information on graphic design-related RPI courses

32 Fin Thank you.

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