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Survey coordination and validation process ISMAIL KASSIM.

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Presentation on theme: "Survey coordination and validation process ISMAIL KASSIM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Survey coordination and validation process ISMAIL KASSIM

2 Planning a survey All nutrition partners share survey plans including assessment locations with the NIWG The NIWG reviews the technical aspects of the survey and provides feedback to the organization before the survey is conducted.

3 Nutrition Information Working Group (NIWG) Chaired by UNICEF Nutrition Information Officer Nutrition Cluster Information Officer -secretary. Guided by a TOR Membership drawn from the Nutrition Cluster partners with good technical understanding of nutrition surveys and assessments. Global SMART TEAM and CDC support NIWG in survey reviews The Nutrition Cluster coordinates all nutrition assessments and surveys through the Nutrition Information Working Group (NIWG).

4 Review of completed surveys Partner submits the preliminary reports and data sets to the NIWG NIWG shares data sets with CDC and SMART global experts. Both groups review and provide comments on the validity of the data sets and the preliminary Comments shared with partner. Partner makes any clarifications if there are concerns raised by the technical review teams. Validation takes 2-3 weeks (teleconference incase of need with CDC) Validation finding communicated to the NIWG weekly Database updated and uploaded on the nutrition cluster website

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