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 Date : August 13 th – 21 st  Place: Beijing, China  Language : English  Who are the participants?  15 – 17 years old.  From more than 27 countries.

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3  Date : August 13 th – 21 st  Place: Beijing, China  Language : English  Who are the participants?  15 – 17 years old.  From more than 27 countries from 5 different continents.  Malaysia has been invited to send 2 participants and 1 teacher.

4 Stage 1 Essay Competition Stage 2 Individual Interview in English

5  English only  400 – 500 words  Title : My Olympism Story  What you have to write in the essay?  How can Olympism benefit you, your peers and school.  Suggestion on how to spread Olympism in your school.  Why do you want to go for the program.

6  Format :  Times New Roman  Font - 12pt  Justified  Spacing 1.5  Closing Date  February 25, 2011  No later than 5.00pm Name: Class : IC. No : Tel. No : My Olympism Story

7  Method of submission :  Email to  Format of submission :  Save in Microsoft Word document (.doc)  Attach in email  Format of Email  Subject : My Olympism Story -  Content Dear PCSM, Please find attached my essay for your attention. From,

8  The top 5 – 8 bests essays will be shortlisted and notified by February 28th.  8-10 minutes individual interviews in English will be held between March 1 st – 3 rd after school hours in MGSKL.  The two(2) successful candidates will be informed by March 14 th.

9  The 2 students will only have to bear the cost of their flight ticket. Other expenses will be taken care of by the hosts.  Participate in the competitions for the Pierre de Coubertin Award.  Community Service at home  Olympic Knowledge Test  Sports Test (Learn Tai Chi)  Arts Performance Award  Olympic Values (discussion groups)  Submit a report to PCSM and MGSKL after your return.

10  SMS your full name, IC No. and Class to Mellisa Tay (016-2798127) by February 12 th.  You can download this powerpoint slides and various materials on the CIPC Youth Forum from  Make sure you do your research and homework about Olympism.  All participants will receive a certificate.

11 Call Mellisa Tay at 016-2798127.

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