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Origins of Sociology By: Abbey Cameron. social sciences  The study human behavior and institutions is called social sciences.  Examples of social sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "Origins of Sociology By: Abbey Cameron. social sciences  The study human behavior and institutions is called social sciences.  Examples of social sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Origins of Sociology By: Abbey Cameron

2 social sciences  The study human behavior and institutions is called social sciences.  Examples of social sciences are: Anthropology Psychology Economics History Political Science

3 Sociological perspective  To look at social life in a scientific and systematic way instead of relying on media and tradition for explanation.  By adopting a sociological perspective, you can look beyond commonly held beliefs (often prejudicial) to the hidden meanings behind human actions.

4 Examples of sociological perspective   The traditional or common explanation of this behavior is what?  What do you think the sociological explanation of this behavior could be?

5 Sociological Imagination  The sociological perspective can help you view your own life within a larger social and historical context.  This ability to see the connection between the larger world and your personal life is what C. (Charles) Wright Mills called the sociological imagination.

6 Example of sociological imagination  Raise your hand and give an explanation using the “Mean Girls” paradigm of social imagination.

7 Careers  Baccalaureates in Sociology- Four year degree from accredited College or University: Social Services Counselors Psychologists Clerical support in government agencies related to field Teachers Librarians Activists Politicians Other

8 Careers  Post graduate degree in sociology: Full Professor Associate Professor Government employee and researcher Politician Consultant

9 The History of Sociology  Sociology was born of the industrial revolution.  Industrialization led to booming urban populations and eventually serious urban problems. wnNPHVAU wnNPHVAU  Examples of these problems:  1. Crime  2. Poverty  3. Exploitation

10 Auguste Comte  French philosopher considered the father of sociology and coined the term “sociology” (1837)  Among the first scholars to apply the methods of physical sciences to the study of society  “Cerebral hygiene” limited his work.

11 Harriet Martineau  English female who made a living off of her writings on the subject of sociology.  Wrote “Society in America”  Her detached style of writing became the standard for objectivity in research.  Spoke out on religious intolerance, women's rights and the abolition of slavery.

12 Herbert Spencer  Trained as a civil engineer, Spencer applied the principles of biology to society.  Spencer was heavily influenced by the works of Charles Darwin and used some of Darwin’s principles to explain the nature of society.  Social change and unrest is a natural occurrence during societies evolution.  The best principles of society survive over time leading to an improvement of society.  Coined the term “Survival of the fittest” and “social Darwinism”

13 Karl Marx  Structure of society is based upon economics.  Two classes: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat  Emphasized the role that conflict plays in social change and advocated revolution to speed up change.  Wrote “the poverty of philosophy” and “Communist Manifesto”

14 Emile Durkheim  Described society as a set of interdependent parts, with each part serving a specific function.  Fascinated by the function of religion as a social control.  Believed sociologists should focus on observable phenomena.  Published a study on suicide in 1897

15 Max Weber  Weber was interested in separate groups within society rather than society as a whole.  Weber also wanted to use sociology to uncover people’s feelings and motivations.  Weber called this Verstehen (fer-SHTAY- en) –the attempt to understand meanings individuals attach to their actions.

16 Jane Addams  American sociologist that created “Hull House” in 1889 on the Westside of Chicago.  She offered welfare, educational services for urban poor

17 W.E.B. DuBois  The first African American to earn a doctorate at Harvard.  Published “The Philadelphia Negro” and many other papers addressing race in America.  Founded the NAACP in 1909

18 Resources  “Sociology: The study of Human Relationships” Holt McDougal  “Mean Girls”  “Gangs of New York”

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