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Mr. Barchetto Notes #2 CPA Mr. Barchetto Notes #2 CPA.

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1 Mr. Barchetto Notes #2 CPA Mr. Barchetto Notes #2 CPA

2 Based on our homework assignment what did Russia’s revolution in 1917 mean for Germany? In early 1918, the Germans launched the “Ludendorff Offensive”

3 On 8 th November 1918, Imperial Germany came to an end when a democratic republic was established. Though it was intended to have Wilhelm tried as a ‘war criminal’ he was eventually allowed to spend the rest of his life in exile in Holland. He died in 1941. But how would the Allies deal with a defeated Germany? How do YOU think Germany should be dealt with? What would you do if you were responsible for the treaty?


5 David Lloyd-George [Great Britain] Vittorio Orlando [Italy] Georges Clemenceau [France] Woodrow Wilson [USA]

6 What did France want from the treaty? Security Revenge Reparations Georges Clemenceau: The Tiger


8 Clemenceau wanted to make sure of 2 things: Germany could never invade France again Germany should pay for the damage caused in northern France

9 David Lloyd-George In public Lloyd-George said he wanted to punish the Germans. In private he realized that Britain needed Germany to recover because she was an important trading partner. He was also worried about the “disease from the east”, communism. The Russian government had been overthrown by a communist revolution in 1917. Lloyd-George believed that the spread of communism had to be stopped. A strong Germany would be a barrier against it. What did Britain want from the treaty?

10 Woodrow Wilson Woodrow Wilson wanted the treaty to be based on his Fourteen Points He believed Germany should be punished but not severely. He wanted a just settlement that would not leave Germany feeling resentful Wilson wanted to set up an international organization called The League of Nations which would settle disputes The American public did not support him. They were fed up with involvement in European affairs. The USA became more isolationist. What did USA want from the treaty? Why did the American public not support Wilson’s 14 points and League of Nations?

11 THE TERMS OF THE TREATY OF VERSAILLES 1919 WAR GUILT CLAUSE GERMAN NATIONAL TERRITORY GERMANY’S MILITARY FORCES REDUCED GERMAN OVERSEAS TERRITORRIES NO UNION WITH AUSTRIA REPARATIONS -Germany had to accept blame for starting WWI - Army restricted to 100,000 men. - No modern weapons such as tanks, military air force. - Navy could not have battle ships over 10,000 tons and no U-Boats. - Germany lost national territory which was given to France, Belgium and Denmark, most went to Poland. -Germany lost Chinese ports, Pacific Islands, and African colonies. -Germany forced to pay massive fines for war damages.


13 The Treaty was designed to cripple Germany militarily, territorially and economically

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