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Taking apart or Putting together? Systemic teaching-learning in Education for Sustainable Environments (EfSE) Prof Hugo van Rooyen (University of Johannesburg)

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Presentation on theme: "Taking apart or Putting together? Systemic teaching-learning in Education for Sustainable Environments (EfSE) Prof Hugo van Rooyen (University of Johannesburg)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Taking apart or Putting together? Systemic teaching-learning in Education for Sustainable Environments (EfSE) Prof Hugo van Rooyen (University of Johannesburg)

2 Conceptualising ‘the environment’ as a system-of-systems

3 The ‘environment’ as a multi-dimensional system-of-systems Teachers should enable learners to comprehend the environment as:  a highly dynamic macro system-of-systems  consisting of the different interrelated, interdependent, interacting and interpenetrating dimensions as sub-systems in own right  where the importance of each dimension or component of a system or sub-system is tied to its relationship to the whole

4 Effective EfSE entails… Learning experiences … Learning experiences …  emphasizing and utilising the multidimensional and systemic nature of the environment  built on the premise that the environment is characterized by complexity  moulded into a systems-based teaching-learning strategy  aimed at functioning on higher cognitive levels

5 What is ‘systems thinking’?  dynamic thinking  closed-loop-thinking  generic thinking  structural thinking  operational thinking  open-ended learning  scientific thinking (Richmond, 1993)

6 As well as:  thinking in models  interrelated thinking  dynamic thinking  steering systems (Ossimitz, 1996)

7 From traditional thinking to systems thinking in EfSE Learners’ mental activity in traditional thinking Learners’ mental activity in traditional thinking  Employing reductionism & boxed thinking (analysis & categorisation, linear & mechanistic approaches)  Questions of substance  What is the nature / characteristics of this?  How does it work?  Getting answers  Tendency towards lower cognitive levels (Bloom) Learners’ mental activity in systems thinking Learners’ mental activity in systems thinking  Employing ecologism, holism & systemic thinking (comprehensiveness, looking at contexts and relationships)  Questions of relation  How does this relate to… / contribute to… / interact with…?  What might this lead to…?  Developing / revising arguments & explanations  Tendency towards higher cognitive levels (Bloom)


9 Conceptualising ‘the environment’


11 A teaching-learning strategy for EfSE

12 Implications of heuristic, issue-based & systemic teaching strategy  Exploration of real-life issues and integration of the underlying (individual and collective) complexities thereof  Learning working towards learners’ holistic, systemic, integrative perception, conception and practice regarding the issue  NOT learners learning about problem-solving; RATHER: learners being involved in problem-solving [ ‘Hands-on / Minds-on’ ]  Learning is open-ended  Learning on Bloom’s higher cognitive levels [ ‘Analysing’, ‘Evaluation’, ‘Creating’ ]

13 Learners’ thinking changes…  from parts to wholes…  from objects to relationships…  from objective knowledge to contextual knowledge…  from quantity to quality…  from structure to process…  from contents to pattern…

14 How do we need to think; what do we need to know; what do we have to do? EfSE needs to establish in learners a shift towards…  perception which is more expanded and inclusive  understanding & insight which is more holistic / connective / interpenetrative  behaviour & practice which is more integrative (Stirling, 2007)

15 Taking apart … or Putting together …??? Effective heuristic, issue-based & systemic teaching- learning requires… ‘Content’ (from Real-life issues and/or Scenarios) ‘Content’ (from Real-life issues and/or Scenarios)  Learning content = ‘content-in-context’  Heuristic Analysis [ ‘taking apart’ ] forms the foundation for Systemic learning [ ‘putting together’ ] within the particular context ANSWER: FUNCTIONAL SYMBIOSIS between ‘TAKING APART’ and ‘PUTTING TOGETHER’

16 I thank you! Prof Hugo van Rooyen (University of Johannesburg) hugovr@uj

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